한국학과 Korean Studies - 국제대학

Korean Studies is a multidisciplinary program that allows foreigners to obtain profound understanding of the country’s past, present and future. Economic and political, as well as social, historic and cultural aspects of Korea based on general understanding of Korean are emphasized more in this program. Furthermore, Korea’s relations with its East-Asian neighbors and the rest of the world are covered extensively through the program. Students presently enrolled in the program are from various countries in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Russia as well as in Asia. This program is the only department in the Republic of Korea (ROK), which accepts non-Korean applicants only.
The Korean Studies program offers two majors: 1) Korean Studies for both a Master’s and Ph.D. degree, and the new 2) Korean Language Education and Korean Studies for a Master’s degree only.
The Korean Studies program is a part of Regional Studies program focused on the ROK, under the social science department. The course of study is designed for students to profoundly understand Korean Politics, Economy, and Society & Culture, as well as to help graduates gain a comprehensive perspective of the geopolitical/international relations surrounding the Korean Peninsula. Most lectures in this course are conducted in English, with a few exceptions.
The Korean Language Education and Korean Studies program was created with the intention of training future Korean language teachers for foreigners who possess the expert knowledge of Korean Regional Studies. Classes are conducted in both Korean and English. Applicants must have a Level 4 certificate or above from the TOPIK or have completed Level 4 or above from a Korean language course administered by educational institutions affiliated with regular 4-year universities in Korea. Graduates will receive a certificate as a Korean Language Teacher for Foreigners issued by the Korean Government after graduation, upon completion of Level 6 on the TOPIK. This major shares several subjects with Korean Studies Program together with required subjects for obtaining a certificate as a ‘Korean Language Teacher for Foreigners’.
Most of the doctoral graduates of the Korean Studies program have completed the course to gain academic appointments within the Republic of Korea, some in tenured tracks, and/or abroad in their home countries almost immediately after graduation, if not before completing the program. The alumni maintain close ties to the Korean Studies Department through academic seminars and the Hanyang University Korean Studies Alumni Association. One of the greatest merits of the department is that international and familial atmosphere. One of the greatest merits of the department is that international and familial atmosphere. Please visit the following websites, if you are interested in students’ activities of the Korean Studies Department at Hanyang University:!/groups/koreastudy/.
Certificate of Korean Language Teacher for Foreigners awarded to Korean Language Education and Korean Studies majors issued by the Korean Government after graduation.