2025 |
국제대학 승격
Elevated to College of International Studies encompassing all academic programs
글로벌한국학 전공을 글로벌콘텐츠융합학부로 개편
Reorganized the Global Korean Studies into the School of Global Content Convergence
국제학대학원을 국제대학원으로 개명
2023 |
국제학부 내 글로벌한국학전공 신설
Launched Global Korean Studies major at School of international Studies
국제대학원글로벌 인텔리전스학과를 글로벌 전략∙정보학과로 개편
Reorganized Department of Global Social Economy at the Graduate School of International Studies into the Department of Global Strategy and Intelligence Studies
2021 |
일반대학원 글로벌기후환경학과 신설
Established the Department of Global Climate and Environmental Studies at the General Graduate School
Division of International Studies에서 School of International Studies로 개편
Reorganized Division of International Studies to School of International Studies
2017 |
국제대학원 글로벌인텔리전스학과 신설
Lanched Department of Global Strategy and intelligence Studies at the Graduate School of International Studies |
2015 |
한양대학교 국제관 개관
Opened the Hanyang University International Building
국제대학원 글로벌사회적경제학과 신설
Launched the Department of Global Social Economy at the Graduate School of International Studies
국제대학원 한국어교육 한국학전공 신설
Lanched Korean Language Education and Korean studies track at the Graduate School of International Studies
2006 |
중국경제통상 융합전공 개설
Launched Chinese Economy & Trade program |
2004 |
한양대학교 국제학부 개설
Established Division of International Studies as an undergraduate program |
2001 |
아태지역학대학원 내 한국학과 개설(외국인 대상)
Opened the Department of Korean Studies (for international students) at the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Area Studies
아태지역학대학원에서 국제학대학원으로 개명
Renamed the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies to the Graduate School of International Studies
1997 |
아태지역학대학원 창립 및 4개 학과(중국학, 러시아학, 미국학, 일본학) 개설
Established Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Area Studies |