동문 및 발전기금 Alumni & Advancement - 국제대학
학교와 사회에 기여하는
자랑스러운 동문회가 될 것을 약속드립니다.
We promise to be a proud alumni association contributing to our schools and society.
Hello, My name is Sara Shin, a HYSIS alumna from the class of 2015. I served as the fourth student president of the School of International Studies in 2008 and have served as the first alumni president of the HYSIS since 2010.
In 2004, the School of International Studies was established at Hanyang University in response to internationalization policies and trends spreading rapidly in Korean universities in the early 2000s. There are many international studies-related departments and majors in any university, but the School of International Studies at Hanyang University has excellent faculty members and seniors who have distinguished themselves in various fields.
As we have a short history, the alumni association's initial development is important. As the first alumni president, I have a big responsibility in building an active alumni network for HYSIS. The first step of an alumni network is, above all, active meetings between seniors and juniors.
I have spent the last five years working at Hanyang University and have met a lot of juniors, and I hope to have more frequent interactions in the future. I would like to ask for your continued interest in the HYSIS Alumni Association, and I hope that we can all work together to make it a stronger and proud alumni association that contributes to the school and society in 10 or 20 years.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Sara Shin, 1st Alumni President of HYSIS, Hanyang University