Research Projects

2019       Hanyang University Research Excellence Grant ($2,000), Graduate School of Urban Studies, Hanyang University, Green Infrastructure
                and Human Health and Well-Being
July. 2019 – June, 2020, Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Gunwoo Kim

2019       Hanyang University New Faculty Research Grant ($20,000), Graduate School of Urban Studies, Hanyang University,
                Assessing Ecosystem Services on Urban Green Infrastructure March. 2019 – February, 2020, Principal Investigator
               (PI): Dr. Gunwoo Kim

2018       North Carolina Bioenergy Research Initiative Grant ($296,426 submitted), North Carolina  
                Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Evaluating Benefits of Bamboo-Alfalfa
                Intercropping, Principal Investigators (PI): Dr. Lijun Wang, (Co-PI): Drs. Niroj Aryal, Arnab Bhowmik
        and Gunwoo Kim
2018       1890 Institution Teaching, Research and Extension Capacity Building Grants (CBG) Program 
                ($300,000 in development), USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Enhancing Urban 
                Forestry Knowledge and Building its Capacity through Curriculum Delivery in an Accredited 
                Landscape Architecture Program, Principal Investigators (PI): Dr. Gunwoo Kim, (Co-PI): Drs. Arnab
                Bhowmik and Guochen Yang
2018       1890 Institution Teaching, Research and Extension Capacity Building Grants (CBG) Program 
                ($300,000 in development), USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Enhanced teaching
                and learning of ecological engineering and applied landscape ecology using hands-on and project-
                based learning strategies, Principal Investigators (PI): Dr. Niroj Aryal, (Co-PI): Drs. Lijun Wang and
                Gunwoo Kim
2018       Cooperative Extension Project ($19,169), College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES),
                North Carolina A&T Cooperative Extension, Vacant land assessment tool for community garden
        May. 2018 – August. 2018, Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Gunwoo Kim
2018       Agricultural Research at 1890 Land-Grant Institutions (Evans-Allen Grant Program)
                ($335,177.13 submitted),
USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Assessing multiple

                ecosystem services in urban green infrastructure to support human health and well-being March. 
        2018, Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Gunwoo Kim
2017-19 Faculty Start-Up Project ($10,000), College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES), North 
                Carolina A&T State University, Modeling of ecosystem services on green infrastructure August. 2017 – August. 2019,
                Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Gunwoo Kim

2017       1890 Institution Teaching, Research and Extension Capacity Building Grants (CBG) Program 
                ($500,000 in development), USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Green infrastructure
                and human health and well-being, Principal Investigator (PI): Dr. Gunwoo Kim

2015-17  APS Endowment for Sustainable Design Research Funding ($14,824.51), Herberger Institute
                 Research, Arizona State University, Assessing multiple ecosystem services in urban green
                 infrastructure to support of sustainable community in Arizona: Analysis of the urban forest
                 structure, function, and economic benefits November. 2015 – October. 2017, Principal Investigator   
                (PI): Dr. Gunwoo Kim

2013        Student Initiated Research Grant ($1,400), College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Virginia Tech

                 Assessing urban forest effects and values: Vacant land, City of Roanoke, VA May. 2013 – May.
                 2014, Principal Investigator (PI): Gunwoo Kim

2012-13  Greening of Cities International Research Workshop on Green Urban Infrastructure, 10 – 13 Dec.

                 2012, Auckland New Zealand (Sponsored by: US National Science Foundation) ($54,631),
        Landscape Architecture Program, School of Architecture + Design, College of Architecture and Urban
                 Studies, Virginia Tech August. 2012 – May. 2013, Graduate Research Assistant, Principal Investigator
                (PI): Dr. Patrick A. Miller
2010-11  Urban Landscape Design: Adaptation of Urban Spaces for Green Growth: Sidewalk Design
                 ($20,000), Topic: Develop guidelines for sidewalk design, for quality green infrastructure and
                 more adaptable spaces throughout the city, Seoul, South Korea, Urban Green Growth Lab
                 Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National
                 University, November. 2010 – October. 2011, Graduate Research Assistant, Principal Investigator
                 (PI): Prof. Damien A. Mugavin
2010-11  Urban Space Design: Adaptation of Urban Spaces for Green Growth ($30,000), Topic:
                 Opportunities for innovative urban space design techniques that can potentially contribute to green
                 growth scenarios, Seoul, South Korea, Urban Green Growth Lab, Department of Landscape
                 Architecture, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, March. 2010 – June.
                 2011, Graduate Research Assistant, Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Damien A. Mugavin

Community Service / Outreach

2018        NCASLA Parking Day in Triad Section, North Carolina, American Society of Landscape Architects,
                 Greensboro, NC, September, 2018

2017-19   STEM Early College at N.C. A&T State University Water Sensitive Design and Low Impact 

                 Development, Greensboro, NC, December, 2017 - Present

2017-19   Maricopa County Flood Control District Stormwater Management LID Master Plan, Phoenix, AZ,

                 May, 2017 - Present

2016-19  Fremont Jr. High School Conceptual Landscape Enhancement, Mesa, AZ, September, 2016 - Present

2016-19  Streetscape – 5th Street from Farmer to College Avenues, Tempe, AZ, May, 2016 - Present