Hanyang Leadership Program - 한양리더십센터
Hanyang Leadership Program
- Based on its founding philosophy, Love in Dee and Truth, Hanyang University aims to to educate and train students who practice love and and work not only for themselves but also for the nation and its people, and further, for all mankind.
- For this reason, Center for Leadership and Innovation offers “Hanyang Leadership Program” which is an mandatory program for all undergraduate students are required to take for their degree completion.
Love in Deed and Truth Course
♦ Introduction
The program consists of four levels of the Love in Deed and Truth course, each tailored to a different educational theme for each grade, from freshmen (1) to senior (4).
Course | Key Theme | Contents | SDGs |
Love in Deed and Truth 1 (Hanyang Nanum) |
Collaboration | Founding Principles Proper Character and Values Teamwork and Collaboration Global Citizenship Education/Philanthropy |
4, 5, 10 |
Love in Deed and Truth 2 (Smart Communication) |
Communication | 8, 9, 11 | |
Love in Deed and Truth 3 (Entrepreneurship) |
Convergence | Convergent and Integrative Thinking Management Mindset <Leadership> New Challenges Towards Dreams <Entrepreneurship> |
1, 2, 12 |
Love in Deed and Truth 4 (Practical Talent) |
Creativity | Global Vision Understanding Diversity MOOCs and the Fourth Industrial Revolution |
16, 17 |
♦ Course Details
- Course Type: Mandatory General Education (2 credits each)
- Course Delivery : Online (available in Korean, English-only, English, and Chinese)
- Course Duration : 16 weeks
- Evaluation : Assignment 90% + Attendance 10%
* Assgnments are given to assess the understanding the contents of the course, the basic concepts of SDGs, Self-directed learning ability, humanities and critical thinking skills.
♦ Love in Deed and Truth 1 (Hanyang Nanum)
- Understanding the value of university life and redefining one's evolving role in light of the question, "Who am I?"
- Character education based on proper human values
- Enhancing sensitivity to the humanities, as well as critical thinking and discussion skills
- Social entrepreneurship and social ventures that make a difference in the world
- Preparing for the future and establishing career plans
- Hanyang Sharing Plus: A program that fosters the practice of love and cultivates proper values and character through habitual engagement in sharing activities
(※ This course is for freshmen offered in the 1st semester.)
♦ Love in Deed and Truth 2 (Smart Communication)
- Presenting a global vision through the stories of Hanyangians active on the world stage
- Fostering passion for excellence, open-mindedness, and open thinking; design perspectives!
- Promoting an understanding of diversity where differences do not lead to discrimination; create a human rights-friendly university culture
- The Fourth Educational Revolution with Digital Literacy
- Offering self-directed learning experiences for the Fourth Industrial Revolution through MOOCs
(※ This course is for sophomore offered in the 2nd semester.)
♦ Love in Deed and Truth 3 (Entrepreneurship)
- Embracing new challenges towards dreams, breaking free from conventional thinking, and overcoming the fear of failure
- Developing consilience-type talents through convergence and integrated thinking
- Promoting sound entrepreneurship through the use of MOOCs
- Humanities courses that offer new perspectives for viewing the world
- Providing opportunities and stepping stones for future preparation through goal-setting and career development
(※ This course is for junior offered in the 2nd semester.)
♦ Love in Deed and Truth 4 (Practical Talent)
- Cultivating future-oriented talents equipped for the ever-changing 21st century based on practical academic principles
- Promoting self-development and prepare for societal entry through MOOCs
- Developing effective leadership that drives meaningful change
- Fostering self-reflection and strategic growth through the humanity
- Gaining skills in creative problem-solving and critical thinking
- Strengthening competitiveness in the job market through differentiated storytelling
(※ This course is for senior offered in the 1st semester.)