HYPER Hanyang Program

Hyper Hanyang Program

♦ Introduction

Hyper Hanyang is a name of mandatory General Education course which all postgraduate students are required to take.

♦ Educational Objective

• Fostering Future-oriented Leaders :
to develop a curriculum aimed at fostering future-oriented leaders who can flexibly respond to environmental changes in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and meet the demands of graduate education.

• Understanding Research Ethics :
to establish a foundation for research procedures and methodologies, and to enhance understanding of the principles and directions that researchers must adhere to.

• Exploring and Developing Graduate students' Career Paths :
to provide career information for graduate students to explore and develop their career paths, including research, employment, and entrepreneurship.

♦ Key Features

• Implementing education centered on critical thinking for problem-solving.

• Promoting individualized learning and personalized self-directed learning using advanced technologies.

• Reflecting a comprehensive personalized education system utilizing an intelligent learning platform and educational content (MOOC) from an open market.

- 'HYPER Hanyang' is a program designed to help new graduate students develop the qualities of future leaders and cultivate the ability to think both organizationally and creatively as researchers.

- 'HYPER Hanyang' is structured around three main topics: leadership, research methods and ethics, and career exploration. The overall structure of 'HYPER Hanyang' and the topics and keywords for each week are as follows.

Table Caption
Topic Weekly Contents
01. Leadership Week #1 Value-Based Leadership
Week #2 Authentic Leadership
Week #3 Innovative Leadership
02. Research Methods, Ethics Week #4 How to Think Like a Researcher
Week #5 How to Read Like a Researcher
Week #6 How to Evaluate Research Papers
Week #7-10 Self-Directed Learning Based on IC-PBL (MOOC)
Week #11 Research Ethics and Human Rights Protection
Week #12 Research Misconduct
Week #13-14 Plagiarism Prevention Ⅰ&Ⅱ
03. Career & Future Week #15 Graduate Students’ Career Path
Week #16 Linked-In