Greetings - 한양리더십센터
If the 20th century represents a shift away from a materialistic society, the 21st century signifies the transition into a more spiritually oriented society.
In this context, the role of universities and talent development strategies foretell a paradigm shift. Today, people represent the human capital of a nation, and the competitiveness of human capital is synonymous with a nation's competitiveness. A person, when nurtured properly, becomes an "asset" (人才), but if neglected, they may become a "disaster" (人災). Even if someone has talent and ability, if those are not refined and developed, their potential remains unfulfilled.
The key lies in how individuals are nurtured. Therefore, I believe that the talent of the 21st century must possess certain qualities. They should be creative, innovative, and constantly thinking. They should be able to put their ideas into action, share, and integrate those ideas to create synergy, and most importantly, they should continuously learn to develop and strengthen their latent abilities. These are the characteristics of a 21st-century talent.
In this regard, the paradigm of the role of universities and their talent development strategies must evolve. As organizations are rapidly changing, becoming more complex, and increasingly globalized, the role of leaders is more emphasized. Universities must cultivate leaders who are prepared to respond swiftly to these changes.
To support this, the Center for Leadership and Innovation operates Hanyang leadership programs such as "Love in Deed and Truth" and "HYPER Hanyang," aimed at fostering career development skills and effective career management for university students and graduate students. These programs aim to help students develop into the kind of competitive leaders sought by society and businesses.
Based on this, we will strive to become the leading leadership center in domestic universities by nurturing global and creative leaders capable of leading the world, in line with the New Hanyang vision, which aims to cultivate practical global talents and open up a new future.
Thank you.
Center for Leadership and Innovation