HISPhonCog 2018

Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 2018

Dates: May 18-19, 2018
Venue:  HIT, Hanyang University, Seoul.
Address: HIT, 222, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul

URL: http://site.hanyang.ac.kr/web/tcho/hisphoncog-2018

Call for Papers

Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HIPCS), together with the Department of English Language and Literature at Hanyang University, launches its first annual international symposium on current issues in phonetics and cognitive sciences of language. Many subphonemic and gradient aspects of speech, whether segmental or suprasegmental, which were once considered to be beyond the speaker’s control, are now understood as part of the linguistic system stipulated by the grammar of a given language. The theme of this year’s symposium is linguistic/cognitive functions of such phonetic granularity in speech production and/or perception in L1 and L2. We invite submissions for the symposium which explore any issues in speech production and perception with some bearings on, though not limited to, the theme of the symposium. There will be some limited slots available for a 20 minute oral presentation with a poster session to accommodate more presentations.


Anne Cutler (Western Sydney University, MARCS, and ARC Centre of Excellence, Australia)

Invited Speakers:
Aoju Chen (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)
Mirjam Ernestus (Radboud University, the Netherlands)
Elizabeth Johnson (University of Toronto, Canada)
Holger Mitterer (University of Malta, Malta)
Eva Reinisch (University of Munich, Germany)
Annie Tremblay (University of Kansas, USA)
Natasha Warner (University of Arizona, USA)


Deadline of submission of a two-page long abstract: March 31, 2018 (new)
Notification of Acceptance: No later than April 10, 2018
Registration: April 20, 2018  (to be guaranteed for free registration and accommodation)
Symposium dates: May 18-19, 2018

Financial Support:
 No registration fees for all participants and audience (including 2 lunches, refreshments and one banquet)
 Free local hotel accommodation (3 nights) for International Presenters affiliated with a foreign institute/university, travelling from abroad. (The detail will be sent to qualified invididuals along with an acceptance letter.)

Abstract Submission Instruction: 
 Both PDF and MSWORD files of a two-page abstract (single-spaced with 12 pt font size with a list of authors’ names and their affiliations) should be submitted by March 31, 2018, via email to hisphoncog@gmail.com
 In your email, please include: (1) the title of the paper; (2) author names; (2) affiliations; (4) email addresses; (5) preference: Oral, Poster, Either

The Organizing Committee
Taehong Cho (Chair, Hanyang University, Seoul),
Ki-jeong Lee (Hanyang University, Seoul)
Sahyang Kim (Hongik University, Seoul)
Say Young Kim (Hanyang University, Seoul)
Jiyoun Choi (Hanyang University, Seoul)
Jonny Jungyun Kim (Hanyang University, Seoul)

Organized by the Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HIPCS); Department of English Language and Literature, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea; Sponsored by Hanyang University.