
Priviate Health Insurance

All the international students are required to have their private insurance that covers their whole period staying in Korea prior to applying for HYU exchange/visiting student program.

National Health Insurance

The Korean government is mandating all long-term sojourn foreigners be registered for the National Health insurance. Exchange/Visiting students will be subject to registration after applying for the Foreign Registration Card.

● Period of application: Starting from the month that FRC is being issued
● How to subscribe: You will be automatically subscribed from the date the FRC is issued
● Exceptions to mandatory subscription of the National Health Insurance: Those who are subjected to equivalent medical benefits according to the Foreign National law or a Foreign Insurance may be exempted to subscribe to the National Health Insurance. Please consult with the National Health Insurance Service for details and how to register for an exemption. (1577-1000, dial 7 for information on foreign languages/033-811-2000 (Service in foreign languages))
● Please note that individual health insurance will be still required, as the national health insurance will not be valid until the Foreign registration card is issued, and it may not cover some unexpected matters related to international students, such as hospitalization and etc.