[정재원, 신윤희, Zumbach] The effects of pre-training types on cognitive load, collaborative knowledge construction and deep learning in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment
[김수정, 이진주, 송지훈, 이윤수] The reciprocal relationship between academic resilience and emotional engagement of students and the effects of participating in the Educational Welfare Priority Support Project i
[최서현, 김동식, 정재원] The Effects of Task Selection Approaches to Emphasis Manipulation on Cognitive Load and Knowledge Transfer
[김수정, 장유진, 유명현, 송지훈] The mutual impact pf University President’s leadership and organizational justice on knowledge sharing: The mediating effect of communication
[소병한, 김지현, 노윤정, 송지훈] Developing a measurement scale for employee engagement: a validation study in a South Korean context