

Cho, Taehong (2002) The Effects of Prosody on Articulation in English. (208 pages) Routledge.  

Cho, Taehong (Edited, 2023) Various Aspects of Phonetics-Prosody Interface in Relation to Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Information Structure and Other Extralinguistic Factors.  Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language (HIPCS).


Edited Special Issues & Collections

Taehong Cho, Gerry Docherty & Doug Whalen (2018-2019). Special Collection on "Marking 50 Years of Research on Voice Onset Time (LINK)." Journal of Phonetics. (Special Collection Guest Editors)

Mücke, Doris, Anne Hermes & Taeohng Cho (2017). Special issue on "Mechanisms of Regulation in Speech (LINK)." Journal of Phonetics, 64. (Special Issue Guest Editors)

Cho, Taehong, Martine Grice & Doris Mücke (2014). Special issue on "Dynamics of Articulation and Prosodic Structure (LINK)." Journal of Phonetics, 44. (Special Issue Guest Editors)

Reviewed Journal Articles & Book chapters



Mitterer, H., Kim, S., & Cho, T. (2024). Use of segmental detail as a cue to prosodic structure in reference to information structure in German. Journal of Phonetics, 103, 101297. [PDF]

Kim, J. J., Kim, S., & Cho, T. (2024). Preboundary lengthening and articulatory strengthening in Korean as an edge-prominence language. Laboratory Phonology, 15(1), 1-36. [PDF]

Jang, J., Kim, S., & Cho, T. (2024). Voice quality distinction of the Korean three-way contrastive stops under prosodic strengthening. Phonetics and Speech Sciences,16(1), 17-24. [PDF]

Lee, D.-y., Song, J., Kim, S., & Cho, T. (2023). Some acoustic and articulatory characteristics of the three diphthongal vowels with /w/ in the speech of young Seoul Korean speakers. Linguistic Research,, 41(1), 1-26. [PDF]



Jiyeon Song, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2023). A preliminary study on laryngeal and supralaryngeal articulatory distinction of the three-way contrast of Korean velar stops. Phonetics and Speech Sciences, vol. 15(1), 19-24.


Taehong Cho (2022). Linguistic functions of prosody and its phonetic encoding with special reference to Korean. In K. Horie, K. Akita, Y. Kubota, D. Y. Oshima and A. Utsugi (Eds.), Japanese/Korean Linguistics 29 (pp. 1-24). CLSI Publications (Stanford University).  [PDF]   

Taehong Cho (2022). The phonetics-prosody interface and prosodic strengthening in Korean. In S. Cho and J. Whitman (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Korean Linguistics (pp. 248-293). Cambridge University Press.  [PDF]

Du, Ziqian, Sahyang Kim, & Taehong Cho (2022). Production of coda voicing contrast of L2 English by native Mandarin Chinese speakers in comparison with native Korean speakers. Journal of Acoustical Society of American Express Letters 2, 085202. [PDF] (SCI)

Steffman, Jeremy, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho & Sun-Ah Jun (2022). Prosodic phrasing mediates listeners' perception of temporal cues: Evidence from the Korean Accentual Phrase. Journal of Phonetics 94, 101156. pp.1-13. [PDF] (SSCI, Q1)

Jang, Jiyoung, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2022). Prosodic structural effects on non-contrastive coarticulatory vowel nasaliation in L2 English by Korean learners. Language and Speech   [PDF] (SSCI, Q1)

Kim, Sahyang, Jiyoun Choi & Taehong Cho (2022). Data on English coda voicing contrast under different prosodic conditions produced by American English speakers and Korean learners of English. Data in Brief, 46: 108816, pp.1-11. (Scopus, Open Access) (Scopus)


Seo, Jungyun, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2021). Data on preboundary lengthening in Tokyo Japanese as a function of prosodic prominence, boundary, lexical pitch accent and moraic structure. Data in Brief, 35: 106919, pp.1-12. (Scopus, Open Access) [PDF] (Scopus)

Taehong Cho (2021).  Where we are at: Impact, special collections, open science and registered report at the Journal of Phonetics. (Editorial) Journal of Phonetics, 89, 101113. (SSCI, Q1)

Mitterer, Holger, Sahyang Kim, & Taehong Cho (2021). Glottal stops do not constrain lexical access as do oral stops do. PloSOne,16(11): e0259573. (SCI, Q1)


Choi, Jiyoun, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2020). An apparent-time study of an ongoing sound change in Seoul Korean: A prosodic account.  PloS ONE, 15(10): e0240682 (pp.1-29). (SCI, Free Open Access) [PDF]

Cho, Taehong & Doris Mücke (2020). Articulatory Measures of Prosody. In C. Gussenhoven and A. Chen (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody (pp. 16-38). Oxford University Press. [PDF]

Mitterer, Holger, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2020). The role of segmental information in syntactic processsing through the syntax-prosody interface. Language and Speech (online first)[PDF]

Li, Hongmei, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2020). Prosodic structurally conditioned variation of coarticulatory vowel nasalization in Mandarin Chinese: Its language specificity and cross-linguistic generalizability. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA Express Letter), 148(3), EL240-246. (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Tremblay, Annie, Sahyang Kim, Seulgi Shin & Taehong Cho, (2020). Re-examining the effect of phonological similarity between the native- and second-language intonational systems in second-language speech segmentation.  Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 1-13 (First View) (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Mitterer, Holger, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2020). Datasets on the production and perception of underlying and epenthetic glottal stops in Maltese. Data in Brief, 30, 105543 (pp.1-9). (Scopus, Open Access) [PDF]


Seo, Jungyun, Sahyang Kim, Haruo Kubozono & Taehong Cho (2019). Preboundary lengthening in Japanese: To what extent do lexical pitch accent and moraic structure matter? Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(3), 1817-1823. (Free Open Access) [PDF]

Mitterer, Holger, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2019). The glottal stop between segmental and suprasegmental processing: The case of Maltese. Journal of Memory and Language (JML), 108, 104034, 1-19.  DOI: (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Tremblay, Annie, Taehong Cho, Sahyang Kim & Seulgi Shin (2019). Phonetic and phonological effects of tonal information in the segmentation of Korean speech: An artificial-language segmentation study. Applied Psycholinguisics, 40, 1221-1240. DOI: (SSCI) [PDF]

Cho, Taehong, D.H. Whalen & Gerald Docherty. (2019). Voice onset time and beyond: Exploring laryngeal contrast in 19 languages. Journal of Phonetics, 72, 52-65. DOI: (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Cho, Taehong, Dongjin Kim and Sahyang Kim. (2019). (2018, online first).  Prosodic strengthening in reference to the lexical pitch accent system in South Kyungsang Korean. The Linguistic Review, 36, 85-115. DOI: (SSCI, PDF LINK)


Kim, Sahyang, Jiseung Kim, and Taehong Cho (2018). Prosodic-structural modulation of stop voicing contrast along the VOT continuum in trochaic and iambic words in American English. Journal of Phonetics, 71, 65-80. (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Kim, Sahyang, Jiseung Kim, and Taehong Cho (2018). Stop voicing contrast in American English: Data of individual speakers in trochaic and iambic words in dfferent prosodic structural contexts.  Data in Brief, 21, 980-988. (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Kim, Sahyang, Holger Mitterer, and Taehong Cho (2018). A time course of prosodic modulation in phonological inferencing: The case of Korean post-obstruent tensing. Plos One, 13(8): e0202912, 1-28. (SSCI, Open Access) [PDF]

Jang, Jiyoung, Sahyang Kim, and Taehong Cho (2018). Focus and boundary effects on coarticulatory vowel nasalization in Korean with implications for cross-linguistic similarities and differences. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144, EL33-39; (SCI, Open Access) [PDF]


 Cho, Taehong , Daejin Kim & Sahyang Kim (2017). Prosodically-conditioned fine-tuning of coarticulatory vowel nasalization in English. Journal of Phonetics, 64,71-89. (SSCI) [PDF]:Link to Elsevier (open access)

Kim, Sahyang, Jiyoung Jang & Taehong Cho (2017). Articulatory characteristics of preboundary lengthening in interaction with prominence on tri-syllabic words in American English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142(4), EL362-368. (Express Letter) SCI [PDF]

Mücke, Doris, Anne Hermes & Taehong Cho (2017). Mechanisms of regulation in speech: Linguistic structure and physical control system. Journal of Phonetics, 64,1-7. (SSCI) [PDF]: Link to Elsevier (open access)

Tremblay, Annie, Jui Namjoshi, Elsa Spinelli, Mirjam Broersma, Taehong Cho, Sahyang Kim, Maria Teresa Martinez-Garcia & Katrina Connell. (2017). Experience with a second language affects the use of fundamental frequency in speech segmentation. PLOS ONE, 12(7), 1-17. (SCI-E): Link to Open Access


Choi, Jiyoun, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2016). Phonetic encoding of coda voicing contrast under different focus conditions in L1 vs. L2 English. Frontiers in Psycholology, 7, Article 624, 1-17. [PDF]: Open Access

Mitterer, Holger, Taehong Cho & Sahyang Kim (2016). What are the letters of speech? Testing the role of phonological specification and phonetic similarity in perceptual learning. Journal of Phonetics, 56, 110-123. (SSCI) [PDF]: from Elsevier (open access pdf) (online open access)

Taehong Cho (2016). Prosodic boundary strengthening in the phonetics-prosody interface. Language and Linguistics Compass, 10(3), 120-141. (SCOPUS) [PDF]

Choi, Jiyoun, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2016). Effects of L1 prosody on segmental contrast in L2: The case of English stop voicing contrast produced by Korean speakers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of American, 39(3), EL76-82 (Express Letter) (SCI) [PDF]

Cho, Taehong, Minjung Son & Sahyang Kim (2016). Articulatory reflexes of the three-way contrast in labial stops and kinematic evidence for domain-initial strengthening in Korean. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, DOI: 10.1017/S0025100315000481 (A&HCI) [PDF]

Mitterer, Holger, Taehong Cho & Sahyang Kim (2016). How does prosody influence speech categorization? Journal of Phonetics, 54, 68-79. (SSCI) [PDF]

Schertz, Jessamyn, Taehong Cho, Andrew Lotto & Natash Warner (2016). Individual differences in perceptual adaptability of foreign sound categories. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(1), 355-367. (SSCI) [PDF]


Cho, Taehong (2015). Language effects on timing at the segmental and suprasegmental levels. In M. A. Redford, (Ed.), The Handbook of Speech Production (pp. 505-529). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. [PDF]

Schertz, Jessamyn, Taehong Cho, Andrew Lotto & Natash Warner (2015). Individual differences in phonetic cue use in production and perception of a non-native sound contrast. Journal of Phonetics, 52, 183-204. [PDF] or from Elsevier


Cho, Taehong , Yoonjung Lee & Sahyang Kim (2014). Prosodic strengthening on the /s/-stop cluster and the phonetic implementation of an allophonic rule in English. Journal of Phonetics, 46, 128-146. (SSCI) [PDF]: from Elsevier (open access)

Cho, Taehong, Yeomin Yoon & Sahyang Kim (2014). Effects of prosodic boundary and syllable structure on the temporal realization of CV gestures in Korean. Journal of Phonetics,44, 96-109. (SSCI) [PDF] (from Elsevier)

Mücke, Doris, Martine Grice & Taehong Cho (2014). More than a magic moment - Paving the way for dynamics of articulation and prosodic structure. Journal of Phonetics, 44, 1-7. [PDF] (from Elsevier) (SSCI).

Kim, Sahyang & Taehong Cho (2014). Articulatory modification of /m/ in the coda and the onset as a function of prosodic boundary strength and focus in Korean. Journal of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences, 6(4), 3-15. [PDF]


Kim, Sahyang, Yuna Hur, & Taehong Cho (2013). Effects of prosodic strengthening on the production of English high front vowels /i, I/ by native vs. non-native speakers. (In Korean). Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 5(4), 121-128. (Journal of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences) (KCI). [PDF]

Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2013). Prosodic boundary information modulates phonetic categorization. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(1), EL19-EL25 (SCI) [PDF]

Cho, Taehong, Jiseung Kim & Sahyang Kim (2013). Preboundary lengthening and preaccentual shortening across syllables in a trisyllabic word in English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133(5), EL384-EL390 (SCI) [PDF]

Mitterer, Holger, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2013, in press). Compensation for complete assimilation in speech perception: The case of Korean labial-to-velar assimilation. Journal of Memory and Language, 69, 59-83. (SSCI) [PDF]



Kim, Sahyang & Taehong Cho (2012). Prosodic strengthening in the articulation of English /æ/. Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology, 18(2), 321-337. (Published by The Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea) (KCI) [PDF]

Kim, Sahyang, Mirjam Broersma & Taehong Cho (2012). The use of prosodic cues in processing an unfamiliar language. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (SSLA) 34(3), 415-444. (A&HCI/SSCI) (in pdf) or from CUP

Kim, Sahyang, Taehong Cho & James McQueen (2012). Phonetic richness can outweigh prosodically-driven phonological knowledge when learning words in an artificial language. Journal of Phonetics, 40(3), 443-452. (A&HCI/SSCI) (in pdf) or from Elsevier

Son, Minjung, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2012). Supralaryngeal articulatory signatures of three-way contrastive labial stops in Korean. Journal of Phonetics, 40(1), 92-108. (A&HCI/SSCI) (in pdf) or from Elsevier



Cho, Taehong, Yoonjeong Lee & Sahyang Kim (2011). Communicatively driven versus prosodically driven hyper-articulation in Korean. Journal of Phonetics,39(3), 344-361 (A&HCI/SSCI) (July, 2011) (in pdf) or from Elsevier

Cho, Taehong & James McQueen (2011). Perceptual recovery from consonant-cluster simplification in Korean using language-specific phonological knowledge. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 40(4), 253-274 (A&HCI/SSCI) (Aug, 2011) (in pdf)

Cho, Taehong (2011). Laboratory phonology. In N.C. Kula, B. Botma, & K. Nasukawa (Eds.), The Continuum Companion to Phonology (pp.343-368). London/New York: Continuum. (in pdf)

Kim, Sahyang & Taehong Cho (2011). Articulatory manifestation of prosodic strengthening in English /i/ and /I/. Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 3(4), 13-21. (Journal of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences) (KCI). [PDF]

Son, Minjung, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho (2011). Supralaryngeal Articulatory Characteristics of Coronal Consonants /n, t, th, t*/ in Korean. Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 3(4), 33-43. (Journal of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences) (KCI). [PDF]


Cho, Taehong (2010). A preliminary report on perceptual resolutions of Korean consonant cluster simplification and their possible change over time. Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 2(4), 83-92. (Journal of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences) (KCI). [PDF]

Son, Minjung & Taehong Cho (2010). Some notes on articulatory correlates of three-way bilabial stop contrast in /Ca/ context in Korean: An Electromagnetic Articulography (EMA) study. Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 2(4), 119-127. (Journal of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences) (KCI). [PDF]

Cho, Taehong, Yeomin Yoon & Sahyang Kim (2010). Prosodic Boundary Effects on the V-to-V Lingual Movement in Korean. Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 2(3), 101-113. (Journal of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences) (KCI). [PDF]

Kim, Sahyang & Taehong Cho (2010). The Effect of Acoustic Correlates of Domain-initial Strengthening in Lexical Segmentation of English by Native Korean Listeners. Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 2(3), 115-124. (Journal of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences) (KCI). [PDF]


Cho, Taehong & Patricia Keating (2009). Effects of initial position versus prominence in English. Journal of Phonetics, 37(4), 466-485.  (A&HCI/SSCI). [PDF], or from Elsevier

Scarborough, R., P. Keating, S. Mattys, T. Cho & A. Alwan (2009). Optical phonetics and visual perception of lexical and phrasal stress in English. Language and Speech, 52(2,3), 135-175. (A&HCI/SSCI) [pdf].

Kim, Sahyang & Taehong Cho (2009). The use of phrase-level prosodic information in lexical segmentation: Evidence from word-spotting experiments in Korean. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(5) 3373-3386 (SCI) [pdf]

Cho, Taehong & Sahyang Kim (2009). Statistical patterns in consonant cluster simplification in Seoul Korean: Within-dialect interspeaker and intraspeaker variation. Phonetics and Speech Sciences, 1(1), 33-40. (Journal of the Korean Society of Speech Sciences) (KCI 학진등재) download in pdf


Cho, Taehong (2008). Prosodic strengthening in transboundary V-to-V lingual movement in American English. Phonetica, 65 (1,2), 45-61. (A&HCI/SSCI) pdf.

Cho, Taehong & James M. McQueen (2008). Not all sounds in assimilatioin environments are perceived equally: Evidence from Korean. Journal of Phonetics, 36(2), 239-246. (A&HCI/SSCI) pdf or from JPhon


Cho, Taehong (2007). Prosodic strengthening in speech production and perception: The current issues. Speech Sciences, 14(4), 7-24. (Published by The Korean Association of Speech Sciences, KASS) (KCI 학진등재). [PDF]

Kuzla, Claudia, Taehong Cho & Mirjam Ernestus (2007). Prosodic strengthening of German fricatives in duration and assimilatory devoicing. Journal of Phonetics, 35(3), 301-320. pdf or from JPhon (A&HCI/SSCI)

Cho, Taehong, James McQueen & Ethan Cox ( 2007). Prosodically driven phonetic detail in speech processing: The case of domain-initial strengthening in English. Journal of Phonetics, 35(2), 210-243. pdf, or from JPhon (A&HCI/SSCI)


Cho, Taehong (2006). An Acoustic Study of the Stress and Intonational System in Lakhota: A Preliminary Report. Speech Sciences,13(4), 23-42. (Published by The Korean Association of Speech Sciences, KASS). (KCI 학진등재). [pdf]

Cho, Taehong (2006) Manifestation of Prosodic Structure in Articulation:Evidence from Lip Kinematics in English. Laboratory Phonology 8. (Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter), pp. 519-548. [PDF]

Cho, Taehong & James McQueen (2006). Phonological versus phonetic cues in native and nonnative listening: Korean and Dutch listeners' perception of Dutch and English consonants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(5), 3085-3096. [pdf], link to JASA (SCI)


Cho, Taehong & James McQueen (2005). Prosodic influences on consonant production in Dutch: Effects of prosodic boundaries, phrasal accent and lexical stress. Journal of Phonetics, 33(2) 121-157. pdf, from J.Phon (A&HCI/SSCI)

Cho, Taehong (2005) Prosodic strengthening and featural enhancement: Evidence from acoustic and articulatory realizations of /a,i/ in English. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 117(6), 3867-3878. pdf, link to JASA (SCI)


Cho, Taehong (2004) Prosodically-conditioned strengthening and vowel-to-vowel coarticulation in English. Journal of Phonetics, 32 (2) 141-176. pdf, from J.Phon (A&HCI/SSCI)


Keating, Patricia, Taehong Cho, Cécile Fougeron, and C. Hsu (2003) Domain-initial strengthening in four languages. Laboratory Phonology 6, 145-163. (Cambridge University Press) (An earlier version appeared in UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 97,139-151) reformatted pdf


Cho, Taehong, Sun-Ah Jun & Peter Ladefoged (2002) Acoustic and aerodynamic correlates of Korean stops and fricatives. Journal of Phonetics, 30(2), 193-228. pdf, from J.Phon (A&HCI/SSCI)


Cho, Taehong, Sun-Ah Jun, S. Jung & Peter Ladefoged (2001) The vowels of Cheju. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 26(4), 801-819. (KCI 학진등재). pdf


Cho, Taehong (2001) Effects of morpheme boundaries on intergestural timing: evidence from Korean. Phonetica, 58, 129-162. pdf (A&HCI/SSCI)

Cho, Taehong & Patricia Keating (2001) Articulatory and acoustic studies of domain-initial strengthening in Korean. Journal of Phonetics, 29, 155-190. pdf, download from J.Phon (A&HCI/SSCI)

Ladefoged, Peter & Taehong Cho (2001) Linking linguistic contrasts to reality: The case of VOT. In N. Gronnum & J. Rischel (eds.), Travaux Du Cercle Linguistique De Copenhague, vol. XXXI. (To Honour Eli Fischer-Forgensen.) (pp.212-223) C.A. Reitzel, Copenhagen. (An earlier version appeared in UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics 98, 1-9.) reformmated pdf

Taff, A., L. Rozelle, Taehong Cho, Peter Ladefoged, M. Dirks & J. Wegelin (2001) Phonetic structures of Aleut. Journal of Phonetics, 29, 231-271. pdf, download from J.Phon (A&HCI/SSCI)


Cho, Taehong, Sun-Ah Jun & Peter Ladefoged. (2000) An acoustic and aerodynamic study of consonants in Cheju. Journal of the Korean Association of Speech Sciences, 7, 109-141. (Also in UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 98, 54-80 ). (KCI 학진등재). pdf


Cho, Taehong and Peter Ladefoged (1999) Variation and universals in VOT: evidence from 18 languages. Journal of Phonetics, 27, 207-229. pdf, from J.Phon (A&HCI/SSCI)

Cho, Taehong (1999) A Phonetically-driven Optimality-Theoretic analysis of opacity: with special reference to palatalization in Korean. Linguistics in the Morning Calm 4. (Edited by the Linguistic Society of Korea). 


Other publication
Conference proceedings & others

Hatcher Richard, Joo Hyunjung, Kim Sahyang, Cho Taehong. (2023). How does focus-induced prominence influence realization of edge tones and segmental anchoring in Seoul Korean?. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1484–1488). Guarant International. [PDF]

Hwang Sungwok, Kim Sahyang, Cho Taehong. (2023). Differential effects of prosodic boundary on glottalization of word-initial vowels in Korean. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1474–1478). Guarant International. [PDF]

Im Suyeon, Kim Sahyang, Cho Taehong. (2023). Some asymmetrical pre- versus post-focal effects on articulatory realization of prominence distribution in Korean. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1494–1498). Guarant International. [PDF]

Kim Hyoju, Tremblay Annie, Cho Taehong. (2023). Korean listeners' weighting and integration of cues to the three-way korean stop contrast. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 287–291). Guarant International. [PDF]

Lee Jiyoung, Kim Sahyang, Cho Taehong. (2023). Intergestural CV timing of homophonous words with different morphological structures:A case study of liquid/l/ in Korean. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 2125–2129). Guarant International. [PDF]

Lee Jungah, Cho Taehong, Kim Sahyang. (2023). Gender-related variation of nasality and sound change of denasalization driven by prosodic boundaries in Seoul Korean. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1395–1399). Guarant International. [PDF]

Li Hongmei, Kim Sahyang, Cho Taehong. (2023). Preboundary lengthening and its kinematic characteristics in Mandarin Chinese in interaction with focus and lexical tone. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 2149–2153). Guarant International. [PDF]

Mitterer Holger, Kim Sahyang, Cho Taehong. (2023). Can segmental detail influence prosodic analysis? The case of contractions in English. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 4043–4047). Guarant International. [PDF]

Shin Jae-Eun, Kim Sahyang, Cho Taehong. (2023). Alignment of prosodic and syntactic junctures and vowel-initial glottalization in syntactic disambiguation in English. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1504–1508). Guarant International. [PDF]

Song Jiyeon, Kim Sahyang, Cho Taehong. (2023). Disappearing supralaryngeal articulatory distinction of the three-way laryngeal contrast of Korean velar. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 2179–2183). Guarant International. [PDF]

Tremblay Annie, Kim Hyoju, Kim Sahyang, Cho Taehong. (2023). Perceptual Training Enhances the Use of Vowel Quality Cues to Lexical Stress: The Benefits of Intonational Variability. In: Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 211–215). Guarant International. [PDF]

Kim, Sahyang, Anqi Yang, Aoju Chen, Jiyoung Lee, & Taehong Cho. (2019). Developmental pathway of phonetic fine-tuning of phonological contrast in reference to information structure: The case of three-way contrastive stops in Korean. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (ID 630).

Jang, Jiyoung, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho. (2019).  Prosodic-structural effects on voice quality associated with Korean three-way stop contrast. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (ID 787).

Lee, Jiyoung Lee, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho. (2019). Effects of morphological structure on intergestural timing in different prosodic-structural contexts in Korean.  In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (ID 867).

Kim, Jonny Jungyun, Yuna Baek, Taehong Cho, & Sahyang Kim. (2019). Preboundary lengthening and boundary-related spatial expansion in Korean.  In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (ID 890).

Li, Hongmei, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho. (2019). Language-specific prosodic structural modulation of coarticulatory vowel nasalization in #NV and CVN# in Mandarin Chinese.  In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (ID 945).

Joo, Hyunjung, Jiyoung Jang, Sahyang Kim, Taehong Cho, & Anne Cutler. (2019). Prosodic structural effects on coarticulatory vowel nasalization in Australian English in comparison to American English.  In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (ID 983).

Seo, Jungyun, Sahyang Kim, Prof Haruo Kubozono, Taehong Cho. (2019). Interaction between rhythmic structure and preboundary lengthening in Japanese. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (ID 1023).  

Tremblay, A., Cho, T., Kim, S., & Shin, S. (2018). Gradient effects of tonal scaling in the segmentation of Korean speech: An artificial-language segmentation study. In Proceedings of the 9th Speech Prosody Conference. Poznań, Poland.

Tremblay, A., Shin, S., Kim, S., & Cho, T. (2018). Use of tonal information in Korean lexical access. In Proceedings of the 9th Speech Prosody Conference. Poznań, Poland.

Cho, Taehong, Daejin Kim & Sahyang Kim. (2015). Prosodic strengthening on consonnatal nasality and its asymmetric coarticulatory influence on vowel nasalization in CVN# and #NVC in English. Proceedings of The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS)

Mitterer, Holger, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho. (2015). Patterns of generalization of perceptual learning on phonetic representations. Proceedings of The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS)

Shin, Seulgi, Sahyang Kim & Taehong Cho. (2015). What is special about prosodic strengthening in Korean: Evidence in lingual movement in V#V and V#CV. Proceedings of The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS).

Namjoshi, Jui, Annie Tremblay, Elsa Spinelli, Mirjam Broersma, Maria Teresa Martínez-García, Katrina Connell, Taehong Cho, & Sahyang Kim. (2015). Speech segmentation is adaptive even in adulthood: role of the linguistic environment. Proceedings of The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS).

Jiyoun Choi, Taehong Cho, Sahyang Kim, Yuna Baek & Jiyoung Jang. (2015). Phonetic encoding of coda voicing contrast and its interaction with information structure in L1 and L2 speech. Proceedings of The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS).

Anqi Yang, Taehong Cho, Sahyang Kim & Aoju Chen. (2015). Phonetic focus-marking in Korean-speaking 7-to-8-year-olds and adults. Proceedings of The 18th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS).

Namjoshi, J., Tremblary, A., Broersma, M., Kim, S., & Cho, T. (2012). Use of prosodic cues in speech segmentation: The effect of recent linguistic exposure. In, F. Cox, K. Demuth, S. Lin, K. Miles, S. Palethrope, J. Shaw, & I. Yuen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th Australasian Conference on Speech Science and Technology (pp.193-196). Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. [pdf]

Kim, Jiseong, Kim, Sahyang, & Cho, Taehong (2011). Durational effects of stress, accent, and voicing on the preceding word-final syllable in English. Proceedings of The 17th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), pp.1066-1069.

Kim, Sahyang & Cho, Taehong (2011). Effects of prosodic boundary versus accent in the articulation of English /æ/ in #VC and #CVC. Proceedings of The 17th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), pp.1082-1085.

Yoon, Yeomin, Kim, Sahyang & Cho, Taehong. (2011). Stability of CV ingergestural timing and coordination as a function of prosodic boundary and syllable structure in Korean. Proceedings of The 17th International Congress of Phonetics Sciences (ICPhS), pp.2224-2227.

Scarborough, R., Keating, P., Baroni, M., Cho, T., Mattys, S., Alwan, A., Auer, E. & Bernstein, L. (2006). Optical Cues to the Visual Perception of Lexical and Phrasal Stress in English. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Speech Prosody 2006, pp.217-220. Dresden: TUDpress Verlag. (pdf)

Cho, Taehong (2005) Prosodically-driven speech production and perception: A review. Proceedings of the Korean Society of Phonetics and Speech Technology (KSPS) Fall Conference, pp. 249-253.

Cho, Taehong & James McQueen (2004, in press) Phonotactics vs. phonetic cues in native and non-native listening: Dutch and Korean listeners’ perception of Dutch and English. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2004) , vol.2, 1301-1304. Jeju, Korea. 2004. ( pdf)

Cho, Taehong & Elizabeth Johnson (2004, in press) Acoustic correlates of phrase-internal lexical boundaries in Dutch. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2004) , vol.2 1297-1300. Jeju, Korea. 2004 (pdf)

Cho, Taehong (2003) Lexical stress, phrasal accent and prosodic boundaries in the realization of domain-initial stops in Dutch. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) . Barcelona, Spain 2003. ( pdf)

McQueen, James & Taehong Cho (2003) The use of domain-initial strengthening in segmentation of continuous English speech. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS) . Barcelon, Spain 2003. ( pdf)

Cho, Taehong (2000) Effects of morpheme boundaries on intergestural timing: evidence from Korean. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 99. 71-108.

Cho, Taehong & Sun-Ah Jun. (2000) Domain-initial strengthening as featural enhancement: Aerodynamic evidence from Korean. Chicago Linguistics Society 36 (CLS 36), 31-44. (An earlier version appeared in UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 99, 57-70, 2000) ( pdf)

Cho, Taehong, Sun-Ah Jun, S. Jung & Peter Ladefoged. (2000) The vowels of Cheju. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 98, 81-94.

Cho, Taehong, Sun-Ah Jun & Peter Ladefoged. (2000) Acoustic and aerodynamic correlates of Korean stops and fricatives. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics,99, 109-148.

Cho, Taehong (1999) Intra-dialectal variation in Korean consonant cluster simplification: A stochastic approach. Chicago Linguistics Society 35 (CLS 35), 43-57. (Also appeared in UCLA Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. 2, Papers in Phonology 3, 207-226, edited by M. Gordon. ( pdf)

Cho, Taehong (1999) Effect of prosody on Vowel-to-Vowel coarticulation in English. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Phonetics Science (ICPhS), pp.459-462.

Cho, Taehong and Patricia Keating (1999) Articulatory and acoustic studies of domain-initial strengthening in Korean. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics,97, 100-138.

Keating, Patricia, Taehong Cho, Cécile Fougeron, and C. Hsu (1999) Domain-initial strengthening in four languages. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 97, 139-151.

Cho, Taehong (1998) Intergestural timing and overlap in Korean palatalization: An Optimality-Theoretic Approach. In David Silva (eds.) Japanese/Korean Linguistic 8, pp. 261-276. CSLI: Stanford University. Distributed by Cambridge University Press.

Cho, Taehong (1998) Domain-initial strengthening in the prosodic hierarchy: an EPG study. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Korean Linguistics (ICKL 11), July 6-9, 1998. University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Cho, Taehong and Peter Ladefoged (1997) Variations and unviersals in VOT: evidence from 17 endangered languages. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics,95, 18-40.

Cho, Taehong, A. Taff, M. Dirks, and Peter Ladefoged (1997) Some phonetic structures of Aleut. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 95, 68-90.