A. Duration models (Section 3.1)

Supplementary data for Kim, Baek, Cho & Kim (2019)
Kim, J., Y. Baek, T. Cho, & S. Kim (2019). Preboundary lengthening and boundary-related spatial expansion in Korean. Proceedings of International Congress for Phonetic Sciences 2019.
A. Models fit to duration of each gesture (reported in Sections 3.1)
1. Model structure

lmer (Duration ~ Boundary*Vtype*Information +
Ctype +
control=lmerControl(optimizer='optimx', optCtrl=list(method='nlminb')))

* Due to a converging issue, by-subject random effect slope for information was removed in the CVCV-Close1 model.

2.  Model outputs

* Significant effects are marked in shaded cells.

• CVCV-Close1

Table Caption
  Estimate Std. error z value p value
(Intercept) 95.295 2.988 31.898 <.001
Boundary=IP 6.411 0.960 6.675 <.001
V-pattern=IA -6.589 1.917 -3.437 <.001
Info=new 0.054 0.744 0.072 .942
C-type 7.036 0.657 10.709 <.001
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA 0.554 1.917 0.289 .773
Boundary=IP : Info=new -0.608 1.435 -0.423 .672
V-pattern=IA : Info=new 0.892 1.352 0.660 .509
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA : Info=new 1.965 2.707 0.726 .468

• CVCV-Open1

Table Caption
  Estimate Std. error z value p value
(Intercept) 73.203 1.679 43.611 0
Boundary=IP 3.469 1.370 2.532 .011
V-pattern=IA -0.406 1.867 -0.218 .828
Info=new 0.056 0.737 0.076 .940
C-type -8.625 0.574 -15.034 <.001
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA -3.312 1.597 -2.074 .038
Boundary=IP : Info=new -0.612 1.265 -0.483 .629
V-pattern=IA : Info=new 2.263 1.360 1.664 .096
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA : Info=new -2.777 2.732 -1.016 .309

• CVCV-Close2

Table Caption
  Estimate Std. error z value p value
(Intercept) 102.549 3.571 28.717 <.001
Boundary=IP 37.058 3.363 11.019 <.001
V-pattern=IA 0.683 1.881 0.363 .716
Info=new 2.994 1.119 2.675 .007
C-type 33.652 1.093 30.790 <.001
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA -6.179 3.396 -1.820 .069
Boundary=IP : Info=new 1.075 2.193 0.490 .624
V-pattern=IA : Info=new 0.325 2.249 0.144 .885
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA : Info=new 0.726 4.479 0.162 .871

• CVCV-Open2

Table Caption
  Estimate Std. error     z value p value
(Intercept) 147.413 7.322 20.133 <.001
Boundary=IP 147.830 14.704 10.054 <.001
V-pattern=IA 2.018 4.679 0.431 .666
Info=new 4.319 3.499 1.234 .217
C-type 27.236 2.456 11.092 <.001
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA -10.223 8.591 -1.190 .234
Boundary=IP : Info=new 5.425 7.251 0.748 .454
V-pattern=IA : Info=new 1.800 5.245 0.343 .731
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA : Info=new 3.025 10.376 0.292 .770

• CVCVC-Close1

Table Caption
  Estimate Std. error z value p value
(Intercept) 92.539 2.694 34.349 <.001
Boundary=IP 7.172 1.479 4.850 <.001
V-pattern=IA -4.578 2.068 -2.214 .027
Info=new 0.560 1.238 0.452 .651
C-type 7.835 0.675 11.609 <.001
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA -1.844 1.423 -1.296 .195
Boundary=IP : Info=new -1.370 1.410 -0.972 .331
V-pattern=IA : Info=new -2.870 1.649 -1.741 .082
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA : Info=new 0.241 2.841 0.085 .933

• CVCVC-Open1

Table Caption
  Estimate Std. error z value p value
(Intercept) 71.465 1.874 38.139 0
Boundary=IP 5.352 1.498 3.572 <.001
V-pattern=IA -0.492 1.947 -0.253 .801
Info=new 0.232 0.593 0.391 .696
C-type -7.504 0.515 -14.581 <.001
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA -3.454 1.362 -2.536 .011
Boundary=IP : Info=new -0.526 1.173 -0.449 .654
V-pattern=IA : Info=new 0.411 1.054 0.390 .696
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA : Info=new -0.447 2.208 -0.203 .839

• CVCVC-Close2

Table Caption
  Estimate Std. error z value p value
(Intercept) 98.039 3.071 31.923 <.001
Boundary=IP 36.515 5.410 6.750 <.001
V-pattern=IA -2.485 2.156 -1.153 .249
Info=new 1.708 1.575 1.085 .278
C-type 27.592 1.409 19.580 <.001
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA 2.157 4.955 0.435 .663
Boundary=IP : Info=new -0.604 3.083 -0.196 .845
V-pattern=IA : Info=new 1.271 3.005 0.423 .672
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA : Info=new 1.084 6.198 0.175 .861

• CVCVC-Open2

Table Caption
  Estimate Std. error z value p value
(Intercept) 101.397 3.768 26.913 <.001
Boundary=IP 67.956 7.837 8.671 <.001
V-pattern=IA 4.519 2.552 1.771 .077
Info=new -3.455 2.117 -1.632 .103
C-type 26.507 1.725 15.364 <.001
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA 18.713 6.562 2.852 .004
Boundary=IP : Info=new -9.840 5.606 -1.755 .079
V-pattern=IA : Info=new -3.340 4.010 -0.833 .405
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA : Info=new 2.180 7.426 0.294 .769

• CVCVC-Close3

Table Caption
  Estimate Std. error z value p value
(Intercept) 118.462 8.304 14.265 <.001
Boundary=IP 90.294 15.400 5.863 <.001
V-pattern=IA 1.606 4.345 0.370 .712
Info=new 11.432 3.795 3.012 .003
C-type -19.102 2.443 -7.818 <.001
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA -5.025 8.964 -0.561 .575
Boundary=IP : Info=new 17.323 8.163 2.122 .034
V-pattern=IA : Info=new 2.823 7.417 0.381 .704
Boundary=IP : V-pattern=IA : Info=new 13.230 12.960 1.021 .307