연혁 History

Table Caption
2004 외국어 능력과 국제학 분야에 관한 전문지식, 그리고 국제화된 인재로서의 품성과 소양을 갖춘 국제 전문인력 양성을 목적으로 한양대학교 국제학부 설립
The Division of International Studies (DIS) at Hanyang University was established to cultivate global professionals with foreign language proficiency, specialized knowledge in international studies, and the character and competence required of global citizens
2005 한양대학교의 국제화를 선도하고 취업, 실용 중심의 국제학을 정착시킨다는 목표하에 특성화된 커리큘럼 개발, 외국인교수 확보, 교내 영어전용강의 제공, 우수 재외국민 및 외국인 신입생 확대
With the goal of leading Hanyang University's globalization and establishing employment- and practice-focused international studies, DIS specialized curriculum, secured foreign faculty, offered English-only courses, and expanded admissions for outstanding overseas Koreans and international students

신입생 정원 50명으로 증원 및 주요 커리큘럼 확대 개편
Increased freshman enrollment to 50 students and expanded key curricula

2013 국제학부 커리어개발센터 (CDC) 개소
Opened the Career Development Center (CDC) for the Division of International Studies
2013 한양대학교 경영성과평가 최우수상 
Received the Top Award for Management Performance Evaluation at Hanyang University
2013 HYU 학과평가 우수상 (인문계열)
Received the Excellence Award in HYU Department Evaluation (Humanities)
2014 HYU 학과평가 우수상 (인문사회계열)
Received the Excellence Award in HYU Department Evaluation (Humanities and Social Sciences)
2015 한양대학교 국제관 개관
Opened the Hanyang University International Building
2016 경영성과평가 우수상
Received the Excellence Award for Management Performance Evaluation
2021 Division of International Studies에서 School of International Studies로 개편
Reorganized Division of International Studies to School of International Studies