동아리 Clubs - 국제학부
현재 학부에서 운영중인 동아리를 소개해 드립니다
Introducing the student clubs
currently active in our department
HYDS - 국제학부 토론 동아리 Debate society
HYDS is the only parliamentary debate club at Hanyang University. Founded in 2004 within the School of International Studies, HYDS was established to provide students with opportunities to engage in intellectual debates in English.
Since its founding, many students have joined HYDS as beginners and graduated as skilled and confident debaters. Members of HYDS participate in both national university debate tournaments and international competitions. Additionally, HYDS hosts joint sessions with debate societies from other universities, such as YUU (Yonsei University), ADS (Sogang University), and EDIS (Ewha Women’s University), giving students valuable opportunities to gain debate experience and build connections. Currently, HYDS holds sessions twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The first session focuses on improving students' debate skills through lectures from experienced debaters and professors. In the other session, members participate in practice debate rounds, competing with one another and receiving constructive feedback from senior members.
몸놀림 - 국제학부 댄스 동아리 Dance club
“몸놀림”은 한양대학교 국제학부의 댄스 동아리입니다. 춤을 추는 것을 좋아하는 사람들, 춤을 배우고 싶은 사람들과 공연하는 것을 좋아하는 사람들이 모여 각종 행사에 참여합니다. 또한, 메이크업 및 의상에 관심 있는 친구들도 동아리원으로써 공연 때 코디네이팅 경험을 할 수 있습니다. 대표적인 몸놀림 활동으로는 학교 축제 주점 공연, 커버 영상 촬영, 새내기 배움터 공연이 있습니다. 춤을 사랑하시는 분들은 언제든 몸놀림의 멤버로 환영합니다!
“Momnollim” is the dance club of Hanyang University's School of International Studies. It’s a community for those who love dancing, want to learn, or enjoy performing at various events. Members interested in makeup and costume design also gain hands-on experience by coordinating for performances. Momnollim’s main activities include performances at campus festivals, cover video shoots, and shows at freshman orientation events.
Anyone with a passion for dance is warmly welcome to join!
FC Dis - 국제학부 축구동아리 Soccer club
LYCEUM - 국제학부 정경학회 Political management society
LYCEUM is a Political/Management Society within the School of International Studies, aiming to foster a structured and academic approach to both international and domestic issues in politics and management.
1. Certification study activities
Given the value of certifications in politics and management fields for career prospects, we host study groups that help students prepare for these exams. We also provide information on relevant certifications, especially beneficial for freshmen, and promote an environment where members can exchange ideas and support each other in making informed career choices.
2. Competitions
Many students express interest in joining competitions but often face a lack of information or teammates. To address this, LYCEUM forms teams for members interested in participating and regularly shares updated information on upcoming competitions to ensure students can access these valuable opportunities.
3. Seminars
Recognizing the limitations of internal discussions, we take it a step further by organizing seminars. After initial group discussions, we invite professors and industry experts to share insights on relevant topics, giving students access to new perspectives and in-depth knowledge from professionals in the field.
4. Minor thesis writing and presentations
One of our regular activities involves teams of two to three members preparing a Minor thesis writing and PowerPoint presentation to present for 30 minutes each week. Following each presentation, we engage in constructive feedback and group discussions on the presentation content and attitude, aiming to explore each topic in depth.
한양대학교 모의유엔대회 사무국 Model United Nations Secretariat
The Hanyang University Model United Nations Conference (Hanyang MUN) is an official external event organized by the Secretariat of the Model United Nations and hosted by the School of International Studies at Hanyang University. Through this event, the Secretariat aims to promote the School of International Studies to a wider audience and enhance the expertise of its students. Additionally, it offers middle school, high school, and university students in Korea the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of diplomacy, international relations, and pressing global issues.
Model United Nations (MUN) allows participants to represent member countries within various UN committees, where they discuss, negotiate, and draft resolutions on global topics. Through MUN, students develop debate and negotiation skills while gaining a comprehensive understanding of international affairs.
The Secretariat is composed of the Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, Public Relations, Finance, and Press divisions, each contributing to the event's organization and success based on their respective roles. The organizing team also includes Chairs, who facilitate committee discussions, and Staff members, who provide logistical support.
Since the successful launch of the first Hanyang MUN in 2020, the event has expanded to include both online and in-person committees, with approximately 90 students participating per conference. Through partnerships with various corporations, research institutions, and NGOs, as well as collaborations with other MUN conferences, Hanyang MUN continues to enhance its quality and reputation.