Research Projects - Wireless Communication Systems Lab.
Ongoing Projects
- Research on AI-based wireless access and resource management technologies for 3GPP 5G-Advanced/6G and development of standard-essential patents, Korea Intellectual Property Strategy Agency (KISTA), 2025.04-2025.12
- 학연산 기반 지능형 차세대 사물통신 실용인재 양성 교육연구단, BK 21 FOUR, Since 2020.09 - 2027.08.
Completed Projects
- O-RAN enabled coexistence of NR-U and WiFi/WiGig in unlicensed spectrum, National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea, 2022.06 - 2025.02.
- Development of technology to respond to marine fires and chemical accidents using wearable devices, Joint Project of Korea Costal Guard & National Fire Agency & Ministry of the Interior and Safety, 2022.04 - 2024.03.
- Digital twin based 5G spectral efficiency analysis, Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI), 2022.01- 2023.12.
- Core technologies for enhancing wireless connectivity of unlicensed band massive IoT in 5G+ smart city environment, Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP), 2020.04 - 2022.12.
- AI based distributed channel access for massive IoT, Samsung Research Funding & Incubation Center for Future Technology (SRFC), 2018.09 - 2022.02.
- Research on coexistence scenarios in private 5G networks, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), 2021.04- 2021.11.
- QoS provision for multigigabit-supporting 5G wireless mobile networks, India-Korea Joint Program of Cooperation in Science & Technology, National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea, 2017.12 - 2021.06.
- Development of learning based random access techniques for beyond 5G IoT networks, National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea, 2018.03 - 2021.02.
- Evolutionary computation for wireless big data processing and collection, Brain Pool, National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea, 2019.12 - 2020.11.
- Spectrum utilization of cellular systems with 4G·5G dual connectivity, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), 2019.5 - 2019.11.
- Research and development of open 5G reference model, Giga Korea Foundation, 2016.8 - 2019.2.
- Analysis of mobile spectrum efficiency by considering traffic patterns, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), 2018.5 - 2018.11.
- Development of cloud radio access networks for extremely dense WLANs, National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea, 2015.11 - 2018.10.
- A study on mobile traffic capacity and optimal traffic distribution, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), 2016.6 - 2017.1.
- Development of random access techniques for low-delay clouldlet service, Gyeongsang National University, 2015.6 - 2015.12.
- Interference alignment in random access networks, Hanyang University, 2014.5 - 2015.4.
- A study on multi-user scheduling in multi-cell networks, Hanyang University, 2014.3 - 2015.2.