Home - Wireless Communication Systems Lab.
[2025.03] A paper entitled "Dual-Core: Dual collision resolution for massive access in 5G IoT networks" (Huiyang Xie, Waqas Tariq Toor, Jun-Bae Seo, and Hu Jin) is accepted for IEEE Transactions on Communications.
[2025.02] A paper entitled "ALOHA with energy-efficient immediate collision resolution: Theory and implementation" (Song Fan, Yangqian Hu, Jun-Bae Seo, and Hu Jin) is accepted for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics.
[2025.02] A paper entitled "The effect of imperfect channel-sensing for low power wide area networks with listen-before-talk" (Yangqian Hu, Jun-Bae Seo, and Hu Jin) is accepted for IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
[2025.02] A project entitled "Research on AI-based wireless access and resource management technologies for 3GPP 5G-Advanced/6G and development of standard-essential patents (2025.04-2025.12)" is awarded by Korea Intellectual Property Strategy Agency (KISTA).
[2024.11] A paper entitled "Distributed real-time control for minimizing AoI in random access networks" (Huiyang Xie, Sang-Woon Jeon, and Hu Jin) is accepted for IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
[2024.10] One papers is awarded Best SCSS Paper in ICTC 2024. Congratulations!
Huan Zhang, Huiyang Xie, Yu Sun, Zhi Xing, Hu Jin, "Dynamic pilot allocation and pricing strategies for priority-based access in LEO satellites loT networks." (Best SCSS Paper Award)
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연락처: 031-436-8197
RM 410-1, Engineering Building 4, 55, Hanyangdaehak-ro, Sangrok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 15588, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-31-436-8197