List of publications

Journal papers

[1] Ki Young Lee, Kwang Wook Yoo, Sangmo Cheon, Won-Jae Joo, Jae Woong Yoon, and Seok Ho Song, "Synthetic Topological Nodal Phase in Bilayer Resonant Gratings", Physical Review Letters 128, 53002 (2022).

[2] Gunpyo Kim, Seok Ho Song & Jae Woong Yoon, "Inverse‑cavity structure for low‑threshold miniature lasers", Scientific Reports 12, 11333 (2022).

* In preparation
[*] Youngsun Choi, Yu Sung Choi, Min Jeong Kim, Kyungsik Yu, Nimrod Moiseyev, and Jae Woong Yoon, “A principle of non-Hermitian wave switching by indefinitely small physical controls”, In preparation for submission to Nature Photonics.

[*] Ki Young Lee, Kwang Wook Yoo, Seok Ho Song, and Jae Woong Yoon, “Dirac nodal point in bilayer guided-mode-resonance gratings”, In preparation for submission to Physical Review B.

[*] Yu Sung Choi, Ki Young Lee, and Jae Woong Yoon, “Surface plasmonic Jackiw-Rebbi-state resonances at metallic grating interfaces”, In preparation for submission to Optics Letters.

[*] Ki Young Lee, Youngsun Choi, Choloong Hahn, Seok Ho Song, and Jae Woong Yoon, “Experimental visualization of skewed eigenvectors around paired exceptional points in non-Hermitian photonic lattices”, In preparation for submission to Optics Express.

[*] Youngsun Choi, Gunpyo Kim, Seok Ho Song, and Jae Woong Yoon, “Observation of a third-order exceptional point and related topology in two-dimensional parameter space”, In preparation for submission to Nature Communications.


[1] Sebae Park, Dongjin Lee, Youngsun Choi, Kyungdeuk Park, Jae Woong Yoon, and Heedeuk Shin, “Synthetic anti-PT symmetry in the fiber-optic platform”, Physical Review Letters 127, 83601 (2021).

[2] Ki Young Lee, Kwang Wook Yoo, Youngsun Choi, Gun Pyo Kim, Sangmo Cheon, Jae Woong Yoon, and Seok Ho Song “Topological guided-mode resonances at non-Hermitian nanophotonic interfaces”, Nanophotonics 10, 1853-1860 (2021).



[1] Youngsun Choi, Jae Woong Yoon, Jong Kyun Hong, Yeonghwa Ryu, and Seok Ho Song “Direct observation of time-asymmetric breakdown of the standard adiabaticity around an exceptional point”, Communications Physics 3, 140 (2020).

[2] Bonje Park, Suntak Park, Meejeong Choi, Seung Koo Park, Sungryul Yoon, Eunjin Shin, and Jae Woong Yoon,  “Monolithic focus-tunable lens technology enabled by disk-type dielectric-elastomer actuators”, Scientific Reports 10, 16937 (2020).



[1] Seung Koo Park, Bong Je Park, Mee Jeong Choi, Dong Wook Kim, Jae Woong Yoon, Eun Jin Shin, Sungryul Yun, Suntak Park, “Facile functionalization of poly (dimethylsiloxane) elastomer by varying content of hydridosilyl groups in a crosslinker”, Polymers 11, 1842 (2019).

[2] Jae Woong Yoon, Seung Koo Park, and Sung Chul Mun, “Electro-active polymer and dielectric elastomer technology for haptic interface, muscular enhancement, and tunable optical components”, Electronics and Telecommunications Trends 34, 108–116 (2019).

[3] Daniel J Carney, Halldor G Svavarsson, Hafez Hemmati, Alexander Fannin, Jae Woong Yoon, Robert Magnusson, “Refractometric sensing with periodic nano-indented arrays: Effect of structural dimensions”, Sensors 19, 897 (2019).



[1] Jeong Yub Lee, Yongsung Kim, Seunghoon Han, Jaekwan Kim, Jae Woong Yoon, Ki Young Lee, Seok Ho Song, Kiyeon Yang, and Chang Seung Lee,
“CMOS-compatible Si metasurface at visible wavelengths prepared by low-temperature green laser annealing”, Nanotechnology 30, 045301 (2018).

[2] Jae Woong Yoon, Youngsun Choi, Choloong Hahn, Gunpyo Kim, Seok Ho Song, Ki-Yeon Yang, Jeong Yub Lee, Youngsung Kim, Chang Seung Lee, Jai Kwang Shin, Hong-Seok Lee, and Pierre Berini, “Time-asymmetric loop around an exceptional point over the full optical communications band”, Nature 562, 86–90 (2018).

[3] Jae Woong Yoon, Jin Tae Kim, Bong Je Park, Sungryul Yun, Seongcheol Mun, Seung Koo Park, and Suntak Park, “Elastomer thin-film pressure sensor based on embedded photonic tunnel-junction arrays”, Optics Letters 43, 3953–3956 (2018). 

[4] Saekwang Nam, Sungryul Yun, Jae Woong Yoon, Suntak Park, Seung Koo Park, Seongcheol Mun, Bongje Park, and Ki-Uk Kyung, “A robust soft lens for tunable camera application using dielectric elastomer actuators”, Soft Robotics 5, doi: 10.1089/soro.2017.0146 (Aug. 29, 2018). 

[5] Youngsun Choi, Choloong Hahn, Jae Woong Yoon, and Seok Ho Song,
“Observation of an anti-PT-symmetric exceptional point and energy-difference conserving dynamics in electrical circuit resonators”, Nature Communications 9, 2182 (2018). 

[6] Jae Woong Yoon, Seong-Min Ma, Gun Pyo Kim, Yoonshik Kang, Joonseong Hahn, Oh-Jang Kwon, Kyuyoung Kim, and Seok Ho Song, “Nanophotonic identification of defects buried in three-dimensional NAND flash memory devices”, Nature Electronics 1, 60-67 (2018).

 2003 ~ 2017


[1] Ki Young Lee, Jae Woong Yoon, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, 
“Multiple p-n junction subwavelength gratings for transmission-mode electro-optic modulators”, Scientific Reports 7, 46508 (2017). 

[2] Youngsun Choi, Choloong Hahn, Jae Woong Yoon, Seok Ho Song, and Pierre Berini, “Extremely broadband, on-chip optical nonreciprocity enabled by mimicking nonlinear anti-adiabatic quantum jumps near exceptional points”, 
Nature Communications 8:14154 (2017).

[3] Choloong Hahn, Youngsun Choi, Jae Woong Yoon, Seok Ho Song, Cha Hwan Oh, and Pierre Berini, “Observation of exceptional points in reconfigurable non-Hermitian vector-field holographic lattices”, Nature Communications 7:12201 (2016). 

[4] Daesuk Kim, Yoonho Seo, Yonghee Yoon, Vamara Dembele, Jae Woong Yoon, Kyu Jin Lee, and Robert Magnusson, “Robust snapshot interferometric spectropolarimetry”, Optics Letters 41(10), 2318-2321 (2016). 

[5] A. L. Fannin, Jae Woong Yoon, B. R. Wenner, J. W. allen, M. S. Allen, R. Magnusson, “Experimental evidence for coherent perfect absorption in guided-mode resonant silicon films”, IEEE Photonics Journal 8(3), 6802307 (2016). 

[6] Jae Woong Yoon, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, “Critical field enhancement of asymptotic optical bound states in the continuum”, Scientific Reports 5, 18301 (2015).  

[7] Manoj Niraula, Jae Woong Yoon, and Robert Magnusson, “Single-layer optical bandpass filter technology”, Optics Letters 40(21), 5062-5065 (2015). 

[8] Jae Woong Yoon, Kyu Jin Lee, and Robert Magnusson, “Ultra-sparse  dielectric nanowire grids as wideband reflectors and polarizers”, Optics Express 23(22), 28849-28856 (2015). 

[9] Manoj Niraula, Jae Woong Yoon, and Robert Magnusson, “Concurrent spatial and spectral filtering by resonant nanogratings”, Optics Express 23(18), 23428-23435 (2015). 

[10] Myoung Jin Jung, Choloong Hahn, Jae Woong Yoon, and Seok Ho Song, 
“Temperature and gain tuning of plasmonic coherent perfect absorbers”, 
Optics Express 23(15), 19837-19845 (2015). 

[11] Jae Woong Yoon, Myoung Jin Jung, and Seok Ho Song, “Gain-assisted critical coupling for high-performance coherent perfect absorbers”, Optics Letters 40(10), 2309-2312 (2015). 

[12] Youngsun Choi, Jong-Kyun Hong, Jin-Ho Cho, Kwang-Geol Lee, Jae Woong Yoon, and Seok Ho Song, “Parity-time-symmetry breaking in double-slab surface-plasmon-polariton waveguides”, Optics Express 23(9), 11783-11789 (2015). 

[13] D. B. Mazulquim, K. J. Lee, Jae Woong Yoon, L. V. Muniz, B.-H. V. Borges, L. G. Neto, and R. Magnusson, “Efficient band-pass color filters enabled by resonant modes and plasmons near the Rayleigh anomaly”, Optics Express 22(25), 30843-30851 (2014). 

[14] Jae Woong Yoon, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, “Ultrahigh-Q metallic nanocavity resonances with externally-amplified intracavity feedback”, 
Scientific Reports 4, 7124 (2014). 

[15] Manoj Niraula, Jae Woong Yoon, and Robert Magnusson, “Mode-coupling mechanisms of resonant transmission filters”, Optics Express 22(21), 25817-25829 (2014). 

[16] Jae Woong Yoon, Kyu Jin Lee, Wenhua Wu, and Robert Magnusson, 
“Wideband omnidirectional polarization-insensitive light absorbers made with 1D silicon gratings”, Advanced Optical Materials 2(12), 1206-1212 (2014). 

[17] Guoliang Chen, Jae Woong Yoon, Kyu Jin Lee, Preston Young, and Robert Magnusson, “Experimental demonstration of a mode-competing multiline resonant laser”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26(16), 1637-1640 (2014). 

[18] Jae Woong Yoon, Jun Hyung Lee, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, 
“Unified theory of surface-plasmonic enhancement and extinction of light transmission through metallic nanoslit arrays”, Scientific Reports 4, 5683 (2014).
[19] Jun Hyung Lee, Jae Woong Yoon, Myoung Jin Jung, Jong Kyun Hong, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, “A semiconductor metasurface with multiple functionalities: a polarizing beam splitter with simultaneous focusing ability”, Applied Physics Letters 104(23), 233505 (2014). 

[20] J. A. Giese, Jae Woong Yoon, B. R. Wenner, J. W. Allen, M. S. Allen, and R. Magnusson, “Guided-mode resonant coherent light absorbers”, Optics Letters 39(3), 486-488 (2014).

[21] Mohammad S. Amin, Jae Woong Yoon, and Robert Magnusson, “Optical transmission filters with coexisting guided-mode resonance and Rayleigh anomaly”, Applied Physics Letters 103(13), 131106 (2013).

[22] Jae Woong Yoon and Robert Magnusson, “Fano resonance formula for lossy two-port systems”, Optics Express 21(15), 17751-17759 (2013). 

[23] Jae Woong Yoon, Gang Min Koh, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, 
“Measurement and modeling of a complete optical absorption and scattering by coherent surface plasmon-polariton excitation using a silver thin-film grating”, 
Physical Review Letters 109(25), 257402 (2012). 

[24] Jae Woong Yoon, Myung Jin Jung, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, 
“Analytic theory of the resonance properties of metallic nanoslit arrays”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 48(7) 852-861 (2012). 

[25] Halldor Gudfinnur Svavarsson, Jae Woong Yoon, Mehrdad Sokooh-Saremi, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, “Fabrication and characterization of large, perfectly periodic arrays of metallic nanocups”, Plasmonics 7, 653-657 (2012). 

[26] Robert Magnusson, Halldor Gudfinnur Svavarsson, Jaewoong Yoon, Mehrdad Shokooh-Saremi, and Seok Ho Song, “Experimental observation of leaky modes and plasmons in a hybrid resonance element”, Applied Physics Letters 100, 091106 (2012). 

[27] Halldor Gudfinnur Svavarsson, Jae Woong Yoon, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, “Fabrication of large plasmonic arrays of gold nanocups using inverse periodic templates”, Plasmonics 6, 741-744 (2011). 

[28] Yiwu Ding, Jaewoong Yoon, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, 
“Mapping surface-plasmon polaritons and cavity modes in extraordinary optical transmission”, IEEE Photonics Journal 3(3), 365-374 (2011). 

[29] Jae Woong Yoon, Woo Jae Park, Kyu Jin Lee, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, “Surface-plasmon mediated total absorption of light into silicon”, 
Optics Express 19(21), 20673-20680 (2011). 

[30] Jaewoong Yoon, Kang Hee Seol, Seok Ho Song, and Robert Magnusson, 
“Critical coupling in dissipative surface-plasmon resonators with multiple ports”, 
Optics Express 18(25), 25702-25711 (2010). 

[31] Jaewoong Yoon, Kiyoung Choi, Seok Ho Song, and Jin-Ha Kim, “Theoretical estimates for practical performances of surface plasmon-polariton mediated light-emitting diodes”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 53(3), 1715-1721 (2008). 

[32] Yang Hyun Joo, Myoung Jin Jung, Jaewoong Yoon, Seok Ho Song, Hyong Sik Won, Suntak Park, and Jung Jin Ju, “Long-Range surface plasmon-polaritons on asymmetric double-electrode structure”, Applied Physics Letters 92, 161103 (2008). 

[33] Jaewoong Yoon, Seok Ho Song, and Jin-Ha Kim, “Extraction efficiency of highly confined surface plasmon-polaritons to far-field radiation: an upper limit”, 
Optics Express 16(2), 1269-1279 (2008). 

[34] Jaewoong Yoon, Seok Ho Song, and Suntak Park, “Flat-top surface plasmon-polariton modes guided by double-electrode structures”, Optics Express 15(25), 17151-17162 (2007). 

[35] Jaewoong Yoon, Kiyoung Choi, Dongho Shin, Seok Ho Song, Hyung Sik Won, Jin Ha Kim, and Jong Myeon Lee, “Enhanced external efficiency of InGaN/GaN quantum well light-emitting diodes by mediating surface plasmon-polaritons”, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 50(4), 1009-1017 (2007).
[36] Jaewoong Yoon, Kiyoung Choi, Seok Ho Song, and Gwansu Lee, “Subwavelength focusing of light from a metallic slit surrounded by grooves with chirped period”, Journal of the Optical Society of Korea 9(4), 162-168 (2005).

[37] Jaewoong Yoon, Seok Ho Song, Cha-Hwan Oh, and Pill-Soo Kim, “Backpropagating modes of surface polaritons on a cross-negative interface”, Optics Express 13(2), 417-427 (2005). 

[38] Jaewoong Yoon, Gwansu Lee, Seok Ho Song, Cha-Hwan Oh, and Pill-Soo Kim, “Surface-plasmon photonic band gaps in dielectric gratings on a flat metal surface”, Journal of Applied Physics 94(1), 123-129 (2003).