Publications - 원자력안전해석연구실
Recent SCI Journals & NSTAR
1. Jang, S., & Jae, M. (2020). A development of methodology for assessing the inter-unit common cause failure in multi-unit PSA model. Reliability Engineering and System Safety
2. Song, W., Park, S., Seo, Y., & Jae, M. (2020). A source term binning methodology for multi-unit consequence analyses. Reliability Engineering and System Safety
3. Park, S., Sohn, S., & Jae, M. (2020). Cohort-based evacuation time estimation using TSIS-CORSIM. Nuclear Engineering and Technology
4. Shin, H., Kim, S., Park, Y., Jin, Y., Kim, D., & Jae, M. (2020). Analysis of fission product reduction strategy in SGTR accident using CFVS. Nuclear Engineering and Technology
1. NSTAR, (2019) Development of Methodology for Multi-unit Level 1, 2 PSA
2. NSTAR, (2019) Development of Korean Food Chain Model for Level 3 PSA
3. NSTAR, (2019) An Analysis of Economic Factors in A Domestic Environment for Probabilistic Safety Assessment
4. NSTAR, (2019) Evacuation Time Estimates on The Reference Nuclear Power Plant
5. NSTAR, (2019) Analysis of Severe Accident Thermal-Hydraulic Phenomena for a Small Loss of Coolant Accident at Kori and Saeul Sites Using MELCOR
6. NSTAR, (2019) RASCAL Off-Site Consequence Assessment Method Analysis
7. NSTAR, (2019) Consequence Analysis using HYSPLIT Code
8. NSTAR, (2019) An Evaluation of Core Inventory for Reactor Types by using ORIGEN
9. NSTAR, (2019) A Study of Seismic Correlation Analysis Methodology for Multi-unit Seismic PSA
1. Kwon, D., & Jae, M. (2018). Ingestion Dose Evaluation of Korean Based on Dynamic Model in a Severe Accident. JOURNAL of RADIATION PROTECTION and RESEARCH
2. Kim, J., & Jae, M. (2018). A study on reliability assessment of a decay heat removal system for a sodium-cooled fast reactor. ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY
3. Jung, G., & Jae, M. (2018). Quantitative assessment of severe accident management strategies in a nuclear power plant. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.
4. NSTAR, (2018) Development of Single-unit Level 2 Full Power Internal Event PSA Model for Regulation Verification.
5. NSTAR, (2018) A Study on MACCS Input Parameters for A Level 3 PSA Model for Regulation Verification.
6. NSTAR, (2018) A Sensitivity Analysis on the Level 3 PSA Model for Regulation Verification.
1. Kang, T., & Jae, M. (2017). Consequence analysis for nuclear reactors, Yongbyon. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 54(2), 223-232.
2. Jang, S., Park, S., & Jae, M. (2017). Development of An ASP Methodology and Its Application to Significant Accident Precursors. Nuclear Engineering and Technology.
3. Han, K., & Jae, M.(2017). Development of a New Methodology for Quantifying, Nuclear Safety Culture. ATW-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUCLEAR POWER.
4. Ahn, K., & Jae, M.(2017). Special Issue on the 13th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management. Nuclear Engineering and Technology.
1. Kwon, B., & Jae, M. (2016). A COCAP program for the statistical analysis of common cause failure parameters. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie, 61(3), 173-179.
2. Jae, M., Lee, Y., & Jerng, D. W. (2016). Use of decision trees for evaluating severe accident management strategies in nuclear power plants. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie, 61(7), 465-477.
1. Jung, G., & Jae, M. (2015). A severe accident analysis for the system-integrated modular advanced reactor. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie, 60(3), 173-182.
2. Lee, J. H., Yoon, S. J., Cho, H. K., Jae, M., & Park, G. C. (2015). Experimental investigation and CFD analysis on cross flow in the core of PMR200. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 83, 422-435.
1. Lee, C., & Jae, M. (2014). An integrity assessment methodology for the VHTR graphite structure. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie, 60(4), 246-250.
2. Jung, G., & Jae, M. (2014). A methodology for analyzing phenomenological uncertainty in early containment failure. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie, 60(11), 616-621.
3. Lee, H., & Jae, M. (2014). A reliability assessment methodology for the VHTR passive safety system. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie, 60(10), 564-571.
Recent Proceedings
International Proceedings
1. Kwon, B., Jae, M., & Jerng, D. W. A (2014) Computer Program for Evaluating the Alpha Factor Model Parameters Using the Bayesian Operation. PSAM12.
2. Han, K., Lee, Y., & Jae, M. (2014) A Methodology for Safety Culture Index Assessment Using Minimal Cut Sets. PSAM12.
3. Jae, M., Lee, Y., & Jerng, D. W. (2015) A New Methodology to Evaluate Severe Accident Management Strategies Using Decision Tree. American Nuclear Society.
4. Kim, J., & Jae, M. (2015). Development of a Methodology to Assess the On-Line Maintenance Risk. American Nuclear Society.
5. Lee, J., Shin, H., Hwang, W. & Jae, M. (2016). A Sensitivity Analysis of Modified Input Parameters of GASDOS for a Representative Person Concept. PSAM13.
6. Kim, J., & Jae, M. (2016). A Study on Accident Sequence Analysis for a Heavy Ion Accelerator, RAON. PSAM13.
7. Park, S., Jang, S., & Jae, M. (2016). Development of ASP Methodology and its Application to the Significant Accident Precursors. PSAM13.
8. Heo, G., Kim, M. C., Yoon, J. W., Kim, I. S., & Jae, M. (2016). Gap Analysis Between Single-unit and Multi-unit PSAs for Korean NPPs. PSAM13.
9. Lee, J., Kim, J., & Jae, M. (2016). A Study on the Off-site Consequence Analysis for a VHTR. PSAM13.
Domestic Proceedings
1. Lee, Y., & Jae, M. (2014). Development of Accident Scenarios and Quantification Methodology for RAON Accelerator. Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting.
2. Han, K., & Jae, M. (2014). A Methodology for Safety Culture Impact Assessment. Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting.
3. Kang, T., Kim, N., & Jae, M. (2014). Comparison of Unavailability between Different Types of Reactors. Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting.
4. Kang, T., & Jae, M. (2014). Development of A Risk Assessment Methodology and An Application. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
5. Lee, Y., & Jae, M. (2014). A Methodology for Evaluating Severe Accident Management Strategies. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
6. Han, K., & Jae, M. (2014). A Computer Program for Assessing Nuclear Safety Culture Impact. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
7. Han, K., & Jae, M. (2015). A Methodology for Evaluating Quantitative Nuclear Safety Culture Impact. Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting.
8. Kim, K. B., Shim, H. J., & Jae, M. S. (2015). Fuzzy Uncertainty Evaluation for Fault Tree Analysis. Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting.
9. Jae, M. & Han, K. H. (2015). Development of A New Methodology for Evaluating Nuclear Safety Culture. Korean Society of Safety, 30(4), 174-180.
10. Kim, J., Lee, J., & Jae, M. (2015). A Qualitative Accident Scenario Analysis for a Very High Temperature Reactor. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
11. Lee, J., Kim, J., & Jae, M. (2015). An Assessment of the VHTR Safety Distance Using the Reliability Physics Model. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
12. Lee, J., Jae, M., & Hwang, W. (2015). An Internal Dose Assessment Associated with Personal Food Intake. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
13. Park, S., Kim, N., & Jae, M. (2015). A Methodology To Incorporate The Safety Culture Into Probabilistic Safety Assessments. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
15. Kim, N., & Jae, M. (2015). A Probabilistic Methodology for Assessing the Effectiveness of the Containment Filtered Venting Systems. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
16. Lee, J., Kim J., & Jae, M. (2016). Development of a Methodology for VHTR Accident Consequence Assessment. Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting.
17. Kim, N., Kim, J., Jae, M., & Jerng D. W. (2016). Development of A Methodology for Assessing Various Accident Management Strategies Using Decision Tree Models. Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting.
18. Park, S., Jang, S., & Jae, M. (2016). Development of A Framework For Assessing Accident Sequence Precursor and Its Application. Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting.
19. Kim, J., Lee, J., & Jae, M. (2016). A Quantitative Accident Sequence Analysis for a VHTR. Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting.
20. Park, S., & Jae, M. (2016). An Assessment for Emergency Preparedness Plan in Hanul Nuclear Power Plant. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
21. Shin, H., & Jae, M. (2016). An Assessment for a Filtered Containment Venting Strategy Using Decision Tree Models. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
22. Lee, J., Hwang, W., Han, M., & Jae, M. (2016). Contribution of the Exposure Pathways After a Severe Accident. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
23. Jang, S., & Jae, M. (2016). An Estimation of Human Error Probability of Filtered Containment Venting System Using Dynamic HRA Method. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.
24. Kim, J., & Jae, M. (2016). Identification of Initiating Events for PGSFR. Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting.