Krisda Chaemsaithong, Ph.D.

Professor of Linguistics, Department Chair

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Krisda Chaemsaithong holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of Washington, Seattle, and MA in English from Arizona State University, and a BA in Linguistics from the University of Oregon. He also received certification in Teaching English as a Second Language from Portland State University (Oregon). Prior to joining Hanyang University’s department in 2012, he was Assistant Professor at the University of Houston (Downtown, Texas) from 2007-2012. He is currently Full Professor of English Linguistics.
He teaches, publishes, and supervises research in the areas of Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics, and History of the English Language. His primary focus lies in language and law. Employing synchronic and diachronic approaches, his research work advances our understanding of identity work, interpersonal communication, politeness, representational strategies, narrative structures, and speech reporting in a legal setting. His most recent projects concern linguistic discrimination and violence in capital trials.
He also serves as a reviewer and editorial board member of journals relating to discourse studies, including Text & Talk, International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, Rhetoric Review, etc.
His SSCI-indexed publications in the last two years include:
Chaemsaithong, K. 2019. Person reference, identity, and linguistic violence in capital trials. Journal of Pragmatics 142: 90-104.
Chaemsaithong, K. 2019. Deconstructing competing courtroom narratives: Representation of social actors. Social Semiotics 29: 24-260.

Chaemsaithong, K. 2019. When grammar clashes: Negotiation of guilt and innocence in courtroom discourse. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 55: 27-52.

Chaemsaithong, K. 2018. Investigating audience orientation in courtroom communication: The case of closing statement. Pragmatics and Society 9: 545-570.
Chaemsaithong, K. and Kim, Y. 2018. ‘It was him’: Representational strategies, identity, and legitimization in the Boston bombing trial narratives. Language & Literature 27: 286-310.
Chaemsaithong, K. 2018. Dialogic features and interpersonal management in the early courtroom action game. Language and Dialogue 8: 341-362.
Chaemsaithong, K. 2018. Referential practice and contested identities in legal narratives. Lingua 212: 44-59.
Chaemsaithong, K. and Kim, Y. 2018. From narration to argumentation: Intertextuality in two courtroom genres. Lingua 203: 36-50.
Chaemsaithong, K. 2018. Use of voices in legal opening statements. Social Semiotics 90-107.