
영어교육위원회(EEC, English Education Committee)

영어 교육의 목표를 실현하기 위해 영어 교양의 교육 내용과 방법, 평가 등을 조정 및 심의하고 영어 교양 교육 과정을 편성하며 개선 사항을 건의하는 위원회

주요 업무

학생들의 교양 영어 학습에 필요한 교양필수 과목 '학술영어1:통합', '학술영어2:글쓰기' 뿐만 아니라 학과 특성에 맞는 수준별 강의를 개설하고 운영

위원회 명단

Table Caption
구분 소속 직위 성명
위원장 국제문화대학 영미언어·문화학과 부교수 Kenneth David Eckert
위원 국제문화대학 영미언어·문화학과 교수 김명희
위원 국제문화대학 영미언어·문화학과 교수 장정우

소속 교원 명단


Alex Grevett

외국인 전임교원

연구실 : 본관 313호


- M.A. TESOL & Applied Linguistics, University of Leicester, UK
- B.A. English Studies, University of Exeter, UK

Professional Experience

- Associate Professor, EEC, Hanyang University ERICA (present)
- State University of New York, Korea, Incheon
- Korea Polytechnic University, Siheung-si
- Gangwon-do EPIK Program, Pyeongchang County
- Oxford Language Center, Guatemala City, Guatemala


Amanda Marie Dow

외국인 전임교원
연구실 : 본관 313호

- M.A. English Langauge Learner Education, University of North Dakota, USA
- B.A.Speech Communication, Berea College

Professional Experience
- Foreign Language Instructor - Gyeongsang National University
- Executive Director of English Language Learner Program - Mercer Transformation


Douglas J. Scott

외국인 전임교원
연구실 : 본관 313호

- MEd, Concentration in Teaching English as a Second Language, Framingham State University & Hanyang University cohort(in progress, to be finished February 2017)
- BA in Psychology, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada), 1988

- Hanyang University Business English TESL Certificate
- Hanyang University TESL Certificate, Seoul, 2016
- Cambridge University CELTA Certificate, Yonsei University, Seoul, 1998


Euan Matthew Kerr

외국인 전임교원
연구실 : 본관 313호

- Master of Letters (M.Litt.) in Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen
- Master of Arts (M.A.) in English-Sociology, University of Aberdeen
- Cambridge CELTA, Randolph School of English, Edinburgh


Mark David Lloyd

외국인 전임교원
연구실 : 본관 313호

- M.A. TESOL, Institute of Education (University of London), 2011
- BMus (Bachelor of Music), Royal Academy of Music (University of London), 1996

Conference Presentations
- "Global Citizenship Education and the Role of Government", Kyunghee University, January 30, 2015
- "Using Wikipedia as an Educational Tool in an ESL Academic Writing Class", October 15, 2014
- "Using Wikipedia as an Educational Tool for a Global Citizenship Education Program", August 26, 2014.


Michael James Satterthwaite

외국인 전임교원
연구실 : 본관 313호

- M.A. Applied Linguistics, The University of Liverpool, England
- TEFL Certificate, TEFL International
- B.A Sports and Recreation Development, Leeds Metropolitan University, England

Professional Experience
- ESL Professor - Soon Chun Hyang University
- Business English Instructor - Asan Techno, HanHwa Group
- English Instructor - Pagoda Language Institute
- English Conversation Teacher - Kyungan High School, Ansan
- English & Physical Education Teacher (PE) - Satree Phuket High School, Phuket, Thailand


Nina K. Iscovitz

외국인 전임교원
연구실 : 본관 313호

- M.A. Teaching, Simmons College, Boston, USA
- B.S. Business Administration, Wilkes University, Pennsylvania, USA

- Professional Educator's License, USA
- CELTA, University of Cambridge
- Certified Health Coach, Certificate in Integrative Nutrition and Health Counseling, Teacher's College Columbia University and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition
- Teaching for Understanding, Professional Development for Educators, Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Effective Communications and Human Relations Certificate, Dale Carnegie Course

- "Using Wikipedia as an Educational Tool in an ESL Academic Writing Class", October 15, 2014
- "The Challenge of Description: Strategies for seeing through the cloud of emotion", May 31, 2014