Greetings - Paiknam Memorial Association
Greetings from the Chairman, Board of Trustees
Many years have already passed since Paiknam, the founder of Hanyang Foundation, passed away.
Even though time has passed, we still have a longing and respect for Paiknam in our hearts because of the grace that he left behind.
There are three driving forces that exemplify the life and spirit of the founder.
First is the spirit of practicing love, the second is the spirit of pragmatism, and the third is the soul of art.
First, the spirit of the founder's practicing love was realized not only through the education of Hanyang Foundation but also through various social activities devoted to people who were socially marginalized. In particular, the practice of the founder's love was not limited only to the implementation of school education. While dedicating 42 years of his life as the president of the International Human Rights League of Korea during difficult times, he dedicated himself to encouraging our society to carry out various activities to solve problems with more active interest in human rights issues. It would have been impossible without his life's philosophy of 'love in deed and truth'.
Second, he had vision of "saving Korea through practical use of science and technology education," and he put that into practice. He established Hanyang Engineering College, the first civil engineering college, and played a pivotal role in Korea's industrialization and economic development. Therefore, we are proud of Hanyang's history being 'The Engine of Korea' and respect and love the foresight, intelligence and enthusiasm of the founder responsible for this history.
Third, the founder's life was powered from his artistic soul as a musician. To him, music was not a 'technique' but a 'spirit.' Therefore, the founder's music is not a mere touching of our hearts but rather penetrates the emotions profoundly. The founder's music was more than a process of writing down his own sensitivity and creativity on a blank sheet of music paper; it was a work of spirituality communicating with the heavens.
The life of the founder who lived as a forerunner of the times, an artist, and a practitioner of love, is fully alive in our hearts through the establishment of the Paiknam Prize. It is my hope that this spirit will become the driving force for Korean society today that will lead to to a more beautiful future.
April 8, 2013
Chairman of Paiknam Memorial Association Committee
Chairman of Board of Trustees, Hanyang Foundation
Kim Chong-yang