HISPhonCog 2023 - HISPhonCog
Online registration by May 10 (click)
Dear colleagues of prospective participants of HISPhonCog 2023,
We are very pleased to inform you that we will resume our annual HISPhonCog conference in 2023 after such a long pause due to Covid 19. We have also secured some funding to provide free accommodation for all the presenters affiliated with a foreign insitute traveling from abroad.
We sincerely hope that we will be able to meet many of you in person in May 2023.
Best wishes,
Taehong Cho

HISPhonCog 2023 (Seoul)
Hanyang International Symposium on Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language 2023 (26-27 May, 2023)
"Linguistic and cognitive functions of fine phonetic detail underlying sound systems and/or sound change"
Dates: 26-27 May 2023
Venue: Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
URL: https://site.hanyang.ac.kr/web/hisphoncog/call-for-papers/2023
HIPCS (Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language), together with CRC for Articulatory DB and Cognitive Sciences and Department of English Language and Literature, holds its 3rd annual international symposium on current issues on phonetics and cognitive sciences of language (HISPhonCog) 2023 on 26-27 May, 2023.
A special theme for HISPhonCog 2023 is ‘linguistic and cognitive functions of fine phonetic detail underlying sound systems and/or sound change.’
We have witnessed over past decades that the severance between phonetics and phonology has been steadily eroding along with the awareness of the importance of scalar and gradient aspects of speech in understanding the linguistic sound system and sound change. In particular, non-contrastive phonetic events (either at the subphonemic level or at the suprasegmental level of micro-prosody), which had traditionally been understood to be beyond the speaker’s control (as low-level automatic physiological phenomena), have been reinterpreted as part of the grammar. They have turned out to be either systematically linked with phonological contrasts in the segmental or intonational phonology and higher-order linguistic structures (e.g., prosodic structure, morphosyntactic structure, information structure) or governed by language-specific phonetic rules that make the seemingly cross-linguistically similar phonetic processes distinctive, both of which may in turn serve as driving forces for sound change. Furthermore, we have enjoyed seeing that the investigation of linguistic roles of fine phonetic detail provides insights into phonetic underpinnings of other speech variation phenomena such as sociolinguistically-driven speech variation and effects of native-language experience on production and perception of unfamiliar languages or L2. Most remarkably, such phonetic underpinnings are not purely segmental in nature, but they are suprasegmental or systematically related to prosodic structure and the intonational grammar of the language.
In HISPhonCog 2023, we will explore these issues. We also wish to have a special session on Articulatory Phonology and speech dynamics bearing on the issue of how gradient and categorical aspects of human speech may be combined to serve as cognitive linguistic units. We will also consider general submissions that deal with other issues in speech production and perception in L1 and L2. We particularly welcome submissions from the neuro-cognitive perspectives or from the phonetics-prosody interplay.
Invited speakers and (provisional) titles
- Adam Albright (MIT)
Licensing voicelessness in Lakhota
- Lisa Davidson (New York U.)
The phonetic details of word-level prosodic structure: evidence from Hawaiian
- John Kingston (U. of Massachusetts, Amherst):
Beginning to understand how intensity influences speech perception
- Marianne Pouplier (Ludwig Maximilians U. Munich)
Speakers, listeners, languages: Coarticulatory variability and contrast in spoken language dynamics
- Donca Steriade (MIT)
Resyllabification revisited: arguments for V-to-V intervals as units of rhythm
- Andrew Wedel (U. of Arizona)
Structural patterns in the lexicon and grammar evolve to support communication efficiency
- Douglas Whalen (CUNY and Haskins Laboratories)
Challenges of analyzing variability in speech from linguistic and motor control perspectives
- Alan Yu (U. of Chicago)
Individual differences in perceptual cue weighting: behavioral, neurophysiological, and social considerations
Special Issue to be published in a journal(newly updated)
- Oral presentations (including invited talks) and a limited number of selected posters (related to the themes of the conference under the rubric of linguistic/cognitive functions of fine phonetic detail) will be invited to submit a full manuscript to be considered further for a possible inclusion in a Special Issue in a peer-reviewed international journal.
- The target journal: Journal of Phonetics
- (tentative) Guest editors: T. Cho, S. Kim & H. Mitterer
- If you wish to have your paper considered for the special issue, regardless of whether your paper is selected for oral presentation or not, please indicate your intention when you submit an abstract through Easy Chair.
- We will also consider non-conference papers on the theme, even if they are not to be presented at the conference. In such a case, please send a two-page abstract (including figures and references within the two page limit) to Taehong Cho at tcho@hanyang.ac.kr by February 10.
- Deadline of submission of full invited/selected papers (for a special issue): September 15, 2023. (This deadline will be strictly enforced.)
- Note that each selected paper will undergo standard editorial/review processes which may eventually lead to its exclusion (rejection).
*Free accommodation for international participants (newly updated)
We are very pleased to announce that we have succeeded in securing some budget to provide a free hotel room for up to 3 nights (two single beds to be shared by two conference participants) for international presenters (including both students and non-students) affiliated with a foreign institute/university, travelling from abroad. (Up to one co-author, who is traveling together with the presenter and actually attending the conference, will be eligible to share the room with the presenter or someone else upon prior approval.)
Free registration
- A free banquet, free munches for breakfast, free refreshments and a free conference handbook
- Lunch: Attendees will have to pay (optionally) for lunches (10 USD or equivalent in KRW for each lunch) at the time of arrival. (The detail will be provided along with registration.)
Free Registration by April 10
- Pre-registration should be made by no later than April 10, 2023 to be guaranteed for accommodation (for international presenters) and free registration (for all foreign and domestic participants and audience).
- A pre-registration form that arrives after April 10 may still be considered for free registration, depending on the budget and availability. Please contact us at hanyang.hipcs@gmail.com if you miss the deadline but still would like to register in advance.
- On-site registration will be possible for small fees, but with no guarantee for lunches and banquet admission.
- For further information about how to register, please check the website later.
Abstract Submission Instruction: by February 10 (EasyChair)
- A PDF file of a two-page abstract (single-spaced with 12 pt font size *without* a list of authors’ names and their affiliations) should be submitted through EasyChair by February 10, 2023.
- URL for EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hisphoncog2023
- The submission system will be open on November 15.
Workshop Proposal
- We set aside May 25 (Thursday), 2023 (the day before the main conference) for one or two possible satellite workshops.
- We will provide rooms and light refreshments free of charge with support of our onsite personnel.
- If you are interested, please contact Taehong Cho directly at tcho@hanyang.ac.kr. The proposal will be welcome until the two slots are filled.
- Deadline for a proposal for Satellite Workshop: *January 31, 2023.
-(Deadline for a workshop proposal: January 31, 2023)
-Deadline of submission of a two-page long abstract: February 15, 2023 (*updated*)
-Notification of Acceptance: No later than March 10, 2023
-Free Registration with free accommodation: No later than April 10, 2023
-Satellite Workshop (if organized): May 25, 2023
-Symposium dates: May 26-27, 2023
-(Post-symposium scientific committee meeting (organizers and invited speakers only): May 28, 2023)
-(Submission of invited/selected papers to a special issue: July 30, 2023)
Local Organizing Committee
- Taehong Cho (Chair, HIPCS, Hanyang University, Seoul)
- Sahyang Kim (Co-Chair, Hongik University & HIPCS, Seoul)
- Sang-Im Lee-Kim (Secretary, HIPCS, Hanyang University, Seoul)
- Say Young Kim (HIPCS, Hanyang University, Seoul)
- Suyeon Im (HIPCS, Hanyang University, Seoul)
- Jiyoung Lee (graduate student conference manager, HIPCS)
- Eunhwan Lee (administrative staff, HIPCS)
Contact: Jiyoung Lee at hanyang.hipcs@gmail.com
Organizing Bodies of HISPhonCog:
HIPCS (the Hanyang Institute for Phonetics and Cognitive Sciences of Language)
CRC for Articulatory DB and Cognitive Sciences
Department of English Language and Literature, Hanyang University