Hyungseob Lee, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Literature

  • Office: Humanities bldg. #216
  • Tel: 02-2220-0757
  • Email: sabby@hanyang.ac.kr



Research Areas:
Early-Modern and Modern Drama
Irish Studies
Film Studies
Recent Projects:
Literature as Transnational Humanities
Cultural Representations of American Suburbia
A Defense of Plato’s (Anti-)Poetics
Current Projects:
Shame in Irish Literature
From Post-Agreement to Brexit: Redefining Contours of Contemporary Northern Irish Drama
Nietzsche/Artaud on Theatre and Modernity

Recent Publications:
“From Hamlet to Misterman: The Dionysian Man on Stage.” The Yeats Journal of Korea 58
“Love in the Time of the Troubles: The Cultural Politics of Tragic Form in Northern Irish Cinema.” Literature & Film 19.1
“Who’s Afraid of Sylvia?: Edward Albee and the Tragification of American Suburbia.” The Journal of Modern English Drama 30.2
“Richard Wagner and Yeats’s Vision of Poetic Drama.” The Yeats Journal of Korea 52
"Ethical Contours of the (Sub)urban Space-Time Relationship in the Early Postwar American Drama." Forum for World Literature Studies 7.2
"'To every life an after-life. To every demon a fairy tale': The Life and Times of an Irish Policeman in the British Empire in Sebastian Barry's The Steward of Christendom." JELL 57.3
Books (co-authored):
『영화로 보는 미국 역사』. 건국대학교 출판부. 2018.
『트랜스내셔널 지구공동체를 향하여』. 한양대학교 출판부. 2018.

Courses Recently Taught:
British Drama
Seminar in American Drama
English Renaissance Drama
American Culture and Media
British History and Literature